
I’ve been ranting & raging for years about predatory journals publishing bad & fake research, then ranting & raging for years about AI generated papers with more fake articles, authors, journals in citations. People using AI to generate fake publications & pass it as ‘research’ deserve all the hells
Recently, I was peer reviewing a paper, and it cited one of my papers. Except... it wasn't anything I had written. The title sounds like something I'd write. It included coauthors I work with, and was in a journal I've published in. But it wasn't real. AI is not good for science.
Academia, science/tech & medical research & everything that relies on these - from surgeries to climate change to urban design to everything else - is now at risk of massive disinformation & disastrous outcome & crisis. AI isn’t just some tool, it can cause real harm & have long-lasting consequences
Special hell for the hustlers peddling ChatGPT & AI to our students for years. Talk about crippling their abilities to think critically, write analytically, find & assess research on their own, adjudicate evidence based on learning. These folks then become your fake doctors, pilots, lawyers, etc. 😱
As I’ve been saying for years, we’re literally prancing our way towards some really scary shite. Not just incompetent doctors giving misdiagnosis, incompetent lawyers ruining your case/future/finances, incompetent administrator ruining your job/career, but heard of SkyNet? Unfettered AI+Capitalism🤖
Sure, some folks will say we can’t stem the tide of AI, but we don’t need people doing more unethical crap or hacks to promote AI to our students, who need to develop some skills & thinking prowess at this age before they are forced to use AI. They will have little adjudication skills otherwise.
I love the current uphill battle of explaining to my students why they aren’t allowed to use AI in my English classes when their other classes encourage them to use AI for everything.
I have the same battles every class, every semester. And no university has any effective plans to deal with this, offloading the responsibility and headache to faculty, and some faculty are abusing the situation to generate their own AI created publications, research, datasets so they have no ethics
I was just talking with my husband about a danger I foresee, which is when tech companies start charging what it actually costs to run AI. Imagine a future in which the AI software you need to do your job - because you have been made literally incapable of working without it - costs more than rent 😬
Yes! Ed tech hacks are heedless greedheads. Students do not realize how they are being abused.
I hate those people. And the hacks on social media peddling this shite for years too, with large following, and encouraging more people to spread the gospel of fakery. Students are being abused and their skill sets crippled or undeveloped when they need to be
I tell my students that any policy other than my zero tolerance for ChatGPT would do them a grave disservice. I also explain that it is theft, environmentally catastrophic, etc.
Right, ignorant people are easy to control and manipulate.
That's exactly what I'm afraid of.
How do you like your botched medical diagnosis, misrepresentation in court, poorly designed building falling apart, dangerous environmental planning causing disastrous floods… I could go on. This is serous & deadly stuff people need to pay attention to. As an educator. what I see is scary
America is on its last legs. It's just a meter of time before it all comes crashing down, I hope I'm dead by the time that happens.
Untill unchecked and wild capitalism is free to operate freely .....
1000% Agree!!!!! Sadly only the most egregious one seem to be getting caught.
And too many, the vast majority in the millions, are passing by and we will pay the price soon enough as a society
The thing I think few people understand is where is future AI going to learn from? AI learns from humans, scraping the web for information/knowledge/art developed by humans.