
Is it really that difficult to shift a Model X into reve—JESUS CHRIST
are you fucking kidding, do they not have a physical shifter?
They have a touchscreen and also some buttons (real or virtual? hard to tell) on the center console that are inactive by default
ever new tesla feature i find out about sounds like something i'd think was edgy and groundbreaking after getting absolutely blazed and brainstorming with the homies, minus the part where we eventually sober up and realize all our ideas were terrible.
Lack of money has kept me from doing a lot of really ill advised things so I got that going for me
i always wanted a flying machine like in fly away home, but solar powered. and now i think being A Poor may have saved my life.
This would be an entire “no go” for a vehicle here in Northern, Minnesota. I need to have the ability to be able to rock a vehicle back and forth if I get stuck in snow.
Plus the sheer amount of lakes. Like. Driving up from twin cities to Bemidji I can think of SEVERAL areas where having confusing swipe controls for switching gears could easily lead to that tesla becoming an overpriced coffin.
Cities to Bemidji is nothing compared to Bemidji to Fargo.
Same here - and this is a really important feature in places that get snow!
The Corvair would be the maga car of choice. For spite.
the most batshit thing to me (besides the doors of death) is how they just replaced the steering wheel with a yoke but it still turns like a normie steering wheel, and then lexus made a drive-by-wire system with a functional yoke that adjust steering angle based on current speed like 2 years later
What would drive me crazy are the turn signal controls that, instead of the industry standard stalk, are just buttons on the steering wheel. Sorry fellow drivers, that is just not something I’m remapping at this point in my life.
Right? You need to be able to FEEL these things and not take your eyes off the road to figure out where the left turn signal button is.
I get annoyed that you have to look down just to hit the defrost button.
I know, right? Now there's giant screens to district you, and that's just normal vehicles. This is what happens when a below average IQ thinks they're a genius. "Let's rethink everything!!! I'm so smart!" Meh.
every time I’ve tried to drive in a left-hand drive country I turn on the wipers whenever I try and make a turn it’s not an easy remap
In fact, this swipe gear change is remapped in reverse of a standard automatic shifting layout. D (ie forward motion) is pulled all the way back, and R is forward just before P. So this swiping down for reverse is counterintuitive too!
if they hate the middle gear shift so much they could have just put that thing on the steering column like a hundred american cars had before 2005-ish
That explains why all the Tesla drivers in my town never use their turn signals. I thought they were just rich assholes.
Definitely. I should I have said, “I thought it was only because they’re rich assholes.”
Those doors of death have a manual release that is not something you will figure out in an emergency.
Here’s a video that anyone who thinks they will ever be in a Tesla should watch.
"Remove the speaker grille from the door" what the fuck
Moby was a car. A big metal car.
When you wake up in the middle of the night from a dream that you think would make for a *really clever* movie plot – then fall asleep again till the morning when you realise that it makes absolutely no sense at all.
That’s precisely Elon’s method