
Remember when this same conservative group wrote obamacare and democrat sycophants said everyone should be happy that they passed anything at all
That didn’t happen, but posts like these are always a wonderful indication of whether a poster has any actual anti fascist politics or if they are mostly trying to find a socially acceptable way to hate liberals without consciously identifying as a republican
Lmao yeah they did baldy
If that happened, you’ll have no problem providing a source. (Spoiler: you’re either a liar, an ignoramus or both.)
I just typed did the heritage foundation write obamacare into google and here was the first thing that popped up. Didn't read it I'm honestly suprised i put in this much effort you ugly nerd
A cool thing ugly nerds is that we know how to read. You didn’t even read the piece you googled, champ, which is a debunking of the point you raised! I appreciate you illustrating that any kind of politics can attract the kind of person whose only motivation is being shitty to other people.
Look up a bit from the dnc spin you highlited and see that even in that article they said it was rated mostly true. God now I read some of that article. I can't believe the depths of depravity you have sunk me to, you dnc floormats are really something
In those grafs the (conservative ) author is setting up the premise (that heritage wrote obamacare) he spends the rest of the piece debunking and saying is incorrect. Are you an adult?
Why would a conservative want to distance obamacare from themselves after it was passed by Obama I wonder. I bet the otherside wouldn't do the opposite because they are a shining beacon of honesty. Shining like a big ol polished bald head.
You brought up as evidence that heritage wrote obamacare a piece saying the opposite. My being bald doesn’t change that, although you seem very fixated on my baldness. A bit self conscious about your own looks perhaps?
Brought evidence lmao I typed 5 words into google and posted the first result without reading it because it's such a well known fact. And as far as your baldness, look I was taught if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. You being balds the only redeeming quality you have
Immediately attack someone’s personal appearance rather than make a point…that’s a block.
Are you ill or just illiterate?
The “dnc spin” was calling it romneycare in order to pass it. This was aimed at fooling rightwingers which explains why it resonated with you Quick question tho, under which plan does a newborn who spent a month in nicu remain insurable [ ] ACA [ ] Romneycare [ ] Heritage Foundation Plan
thank you for that image that is in no way relevant to whether the aca is the same as romneycare or the heritage plan. you should look into those stats by the way, like whether a baby that passes two months after birth and dies from sids qualifies for infant morality in ie france.
So maybe america is like 40th or so you think?
somehow I doubt you are going to receive an answer to this
I do have more sympathy for people believing this then most other weird (derogatory) history about dems/politics just cuz it was the message that ie cap put out but if you wanna be the Politics Understander you should probably dig in more
I’m also curious if the heritage foundation would have put over twenty million people on Medicaid. I guess we’ll never know
Curious what romneycare looks like without veto proof dem majorities in the state legislature
It's because they're busy burning down the capitol.
France: we want to change the work week to 35 hours *burns down capitol* America: our president's are now God kings *let's blame voters*
now to take a big sip of water and look at the french election
Hey FYI you're acting like a real stupid asshole and the "lol I'm just too dumb to read lol nerd" act isn't helping
**Whispers** Literacy / Reading Comprehension is in short supply these days, thus I decline to spend my (increasingly taxed!) energies on OverConfident Fools in these sm channels 🤗