lb hunktears

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lb hunktears

handsome genius. writer. narrative + content designer. yaoi connoisseur. 1/4 of If You're Driving Close Your Eyes. father of dog. they/them (formerly blaseball, fanbyte, weird twine games)
birthday boy waiting to be driven to dinner. best day of the year (the day about ME)
there's a youtube channel that shows episodes of pee wee's playhouse, reminding me that I still need to get my pee wee tattoo
little Fledgling Manor teaser coming tomorrow so go follow
Reposted byAvatar lb hunktears
little Fledgling Manor teaser coming tomorrow so go follow
Reposted byAvatar lb hunktears
A popular front between liberals and leftists. Seems like something to think about, I dunno.
people keep wanting to talk about election, joe biden, america, when they should be talking to me about my dog
great job french
Breaking: A left-wing coalition is on course to win the most seats in France’s legislative election in a surprise blow to far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s hopes of forming the next government Read more:
I am 35 years old today which means I have received my official daddy documentation. no matter what I do, I am now permanently daddy, thanks to the power of time.
there's no way to prove he isn't
i just saw a conspiracy theory that jungkook from BTS is the reincarnation of princess diana and you know what? run with that. run with it.
Reposted byAvatar lb hunktears
i just saw a conspiracy theory that jungkook from BTS is the reincarnation of princess diana and you know what? run with that. run with it.
I can't speak for Shaydh and merritt but this is my personal moodboard for our game:
coming soon...
icymi me and my friends made a cool announcement
In Secret Places is and We're making a game for freaks and sickos.
Reposted byAvatar lb hunktears
This guy was such a G for telling his evil wizard cyborg boss that his religion is bullshit during a work meeting.
one of the perks of working on a vampire project is that I get to listen to all my favorite songs, like Vampires by Radiorama and the entire Sisters of Mercy and Bauhaus catalogues and be like "it's important that I do this, for my process"
Reposted byAvatar lb hunktears
Reposted byAvatar lb hunktears
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
my dog is so upset i am going to bed at 10 pm in the hopes that cozy time will placate her
may you and your boys suck and fuck on this sacred fourth of july, in memory of the boys who tragically could neither suck nor fuck, due to there was a big shark. on this day we commemorate their brave sacrifice 🫡😔🇺🇸🛥️🦈
Reposted byAvatar lb hunktears
If you think Jaws is scary for not really showing the shark, you should check out spielberg's other films. they don't show the shark at all
I'm very excited about this!!!!
In Secret Places is and We're making a game for freaks and sickos.
Reposted byAvatar lb hunktears
In Secret Places is and We're making a game for freaks and sickos.
Reposted byAvatar lb hunktears
Reposted byAvatar lb hunktears
I'm an EU citizen now so I'm going to start kissing all my friends on the cheeks to greet them, which is my right as a European
email [email protected] to become jeremy fragrance's girlfriend
first fourth of july with rififi. she's very concerned. specifically concerned the bad sounds are gonna hurt me and my partner. she needs us both to be in a place where she can watch us at all times to make sure we are safe. perfect creature.
if you see this, (1) grab scrap paper (post-it, envelope, etc) and writing implement (2) draw a garfield or a spongebob or both (do not look them up) (3) share if you wanna!!!
brian wilson was right it IS great to see a guy you like on tv every night. it's great to hear phil spector songs. it's great to look at the stars and think about the planets. it's great to honk down the highway. these are some of the main things that make life bearable.
"If Mars had life on it I might find my wife on it" - Brian Wilson, "Solar System"