Alison Sampson is working

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Alison Sampson is working

Artist, draws comics in London UK. Image Comics, Dark Horse, Marvel, DC, IDW, TKO, Z2, Boom! Studios, Titan, AWA and more. Currently working on REDACTED, open for writing, covers & illustration.
Contact at alissamp at gmail
What are the best sci fi comics/ graphic novels, that are adapted from novels?
What are the best sci fi comics/ graphic novels, that are adapted from novels?
Just remarkable how "old person won't retire" has driven history for the last 15 years. Kennedy not resigning after brain cancer diagnosis -> Scott Brown Feinstein staying on past prime and bungling hearings -> Kavanaugh/Barrett RBG Biden
Jesse Jacobs' SAFARI HONEYMOON! What a joyful piece of cartooning. His corpuscular approach to detail is a pleasure to look at, meticulous but still smooth, somewhere between Marc Bell and DeForge. Also surprised to see how of a piece this is with Jacobs' later NEW PETS, in terms of visual motif...
Looks like the news is out. I'm drawing (well- have drawn) #26 of THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH. Marilyn Monroe- 'the strangest creature of them all' I *don't think* my cover has been released yet, here's Martin's. In shops in September.
I’m Amalas and this is my art
I am VERY excited about bringing back the writing fellowship. It’s important for The Onion to have a writers room with new and weird ideas, and it’s important to maintain a pipeline of great comedy writers for the world in general. It's a good job. Please apply.
The Onion Fellowship at The Onion
Controversial opinion: writers advertising their services by showing art feels kind of twisted. I know it's entertaining and easy, but if we are really talking about the prompt that created the art, and the artist, why not dig down into that relationship?
Signed a publishing contract for SHELTER: Mothers Ruin today! Can’t wait to get immersed in the twisted lives of my Monsters-In-Cardigans for the next Folk-Horror tale. More on this soon! Until then there’s Book 1: Early Doors & in-between Zine: Hagbound to get up to scratch… 👁️‍🗨️
democracy dies in the hands of billionaires
Since I don't think some people get how bad this is: Bank Data; Health Data; Passwords; Student Data; Privileged Information (NDA's contracts, etc.) Addresses Unless a) your job has some version of windows that doesn't have these systems and tools in it, and b) work/life firewalls are PRISTINE—…
I'll say, again, & again, & again, that jamming "AI" into everything w/o considering the privacy & security implications is a) going to cause a major breach of at least two US laws, and b) just a really silly and terrible idea which is going to put a lot of people in danger. Roll it BACK, microsoft
So Windows Recall takes screenshots every few seconds, OCR's them, and then stores all that in plaintext in a SQLlite database. It's impossible to understate how much of a security issue this is. Easily compromised spyware installed by your OS!
Windows feature that screenshots everything labeled a security “disaster” Windows 11’s new Recall feature faces privacy and security concerns.
Colours for Sayra Begum's artwork on 's story. Part of Trina Robbins' anthology 'Won't Back Down' to raise money for Planned Parenthood. #comics do we use hashtags here? I dunno!
Did a thing, starting a thing, lots to plan… *BCZF coming in ‘25 (🤞) *Pronounced BUKZUF
Went on Twits & inadvertently started a Comic Fair… More soon!
I’ve been looking at some of the big publisher X accounts and trying to spread the word that the engagement is next to nothing there. This account has a quarter of a million followers. They might as well be yelling their content out a window. #kidlitchat
Recent delivery: the crowd-funded comic anthology Let Her Be Evil with this awesome cover by!
Preview of GINGER'S REVENGE, a tale of vengeance and retribution. Skins meets Gangs of London. Pay what you want. / GINGER'S REVENGE avance, una historia de venganza y retribución. Skins se encuentra con Gangs of London. Tu pones el precio.
I made this for the first chapter of AWA's Afghan Star project. ******Music unites us*****
Wonderful words about ANTICUCHO by the always amazing !!! ANTICUCHO & other Peruvian Cyberpunk stories is available at my shop, just click the link in my BIO! 🤖🤖🤖
Messing around with a Jack Kirby cover while trying to come up with ideas... India ink, brush, highlighter, biro.
❤️🚀🚀🌟So proud of the comix & merch catalogue we’ve amassed over the past few years! Check out our wares —>
More from Riga art gallery. 1989 was not that long ago, esp when tensions with Russia are now higher. We saw a lot of Ukraine solidarity flags.
Friday morning I'm up early for the Berlin express train, so should be there in time for lunch.
Thursday it is Warsaw (the pizza was very good).