David Pierce

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David Pierce


Editor-at-large at The Verge. Wearer of sweatpants.
Reposted byAvatar David Pierce
I can’t believe no one wants to interview me about what it feels like to have stepped out on Apple and taken them to the cleaners over their god damn butterfly keyboard. It’s not too late though https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/27/23740087/apple-macbook-butterfly-keyboard-settlement-final-approval
Apple’s $50 million keyboard settlement is finally approvedwww.theverge.com Claims that have been submitted can now be paid out.
Reposted byAvatar David Pierce
Just here to see if anyone announces their presidential run via skeet
Reposted byAvatar David Pierce
Good from @cwarzel.bsky.social that raises the question why some reporters who would never post on Rumble or Truth Social keep posting on Twitter the same way they always have https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/05/elon-musk-ron-desantis-2024-twitter/674149/
This is a great chat with Sundar Pichai and @reckless.bsky.social, in which they both agree that the open web is great and also the open web sucks sometimes https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/12/23720731/google-io-2023-exclusive-sundar-pichai-search-generative-experience-ai-microsoft-bing-chatgpt
I am somewhat ashamed to admit I’ve never really played much Zelda. But I feel like now’s a good time to throw my life away and just play all Zelda forever?
Reposted byAvatar David Pierce
This is a great overview by @davidpierce.xyz about Google's fatally flawed AMP effort, which was ostensibly about trying to make the web faster, but in effect was also about capturing the web. https://www.theverge.com/23711172/google-amp-accelerated-mobile-pages-search-publishers-lawsuit
Last night I discovered a new cure for jet lag, which is to just lie in bed and watch Friends on TBS until it’s whatever time you need it to be
Reposted byAvatar David Pierce
when lil jon said "aww skeet skeet got game" he was referring to the rise of bluesky
I have almost bought a terrifying number of domains recently, the future is gonna be very expensive for me
I'm calling it right now, Bluesky is going to develop a culture where people are flexing domain names. Like oh shit this mf got a 3 letter site. Or people gonna have the most ridiculous names. Idk it's gonna be wild. I've never wanted nick.com so bad in my life... fuckin nickelodeon
Reposted byAvatar David Pierce
for those of you knew to this here app...
talked to @jay.bsky.team about this app/protocol “As the owner of a centralized site, he [Elon] is free to do that if he wants. But this is exactly why what we’re building is important” https://www.theverge.com/23686778/bluesky-ceo-jay-graber-interview-decentralized-social-media-twitter-mastodon
End of feed.