Charlie Warzel

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Charlie Warzel

New app enthusiast. Huge app guy. Staff writer for The Atlantic.
Wrote about watching information travel in the hours after the assassination attempt. How the machine isn't broken (it works perfectly) &how it makes sense that the ppl investing/supporting the machine are behind Trump, a man made in the machine's image
This Is What Happens When News The chaotic aftermath of the assassination attempt shows a toxic information system working as designed.
lol so i talked to sam altman and arianna huffington about their proposed ai health coach venture (vaporware) and they couldn’t even tell me if it would be an app or not. so i ended up writing about how ai is a faith-based technology
AI Has Become a Technology of Sam Altman and Arianna Huffington told me that they believe generative AI can help millions of suffering people. I’m not so sure.
ngl my twitter feed rn is chiller and more helpful than this place which seems to be focused on pretty toxic and pointless infighting (and we all know twitter is hell!)
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Living on the West Coast during Opinion Season, there are some mornings where I log on and
never tell your bosses about your hobbies because if you do, two jabronies will rant about it during a presidential debate and you’ll have to write about golf handicaps and existential dread
Fore More Two presidential candidates argue about who’s better at hitting a ball. Nobody wins.
"we bought a certain dog"
This is a hilariously incoherent answer from Trump to a question about opioid addiction
the cool thing about the debate is how there's like almost no possible outcome that will leave me feeling anything but a nagging sense of vague dread about the future
this smart point is also why generative AI stuff frustrates me so much. obviously technology can aid creativity (there are untold examples of that!) but it's not a shortcut for craft. it's very very hard to optimize the creative process because sometimes all it demands is time/attempts/failure.
Writing is not linearly productive. You can write something no one wants and spend months or years on it; it’s not wasted time. It’s time spent learning how to do things you’ll put into practice elsewhere, so long as you don’t get discouraged and stop.
Got the opportunity to write about a band i love (@goosetheband) that is pushing the boundaries of a genre i love (jam bands). hopefully, this captures 1/100000th of the magic
The Improbable, Unstoppable Rise of Meet the jam band that just might persuade you to love a jam band.
this is obviously incredibly dickish behavior from the Medium CEO but there's also something clarifying and useful about the exchange. he's basically saying: trust us when we tell you we don't care about you/creating something that can sustain creative work.
We're not sending our best to media leadership positions. Holy shit. Medium CEO on Threads says to that the journalists the company hired, then laid off, SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER!
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Warzel
look. there's no "us" in torment nex—. ok fine. there's no "me" in torm—
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Warzel
Time Zone Rankings 1. MTN - A perfect remove from the tyranny of EST without being alienated (sports start at like 5pm, which rules) 2. PST. Mornings are bad, but you basically dont work after 2pm. 3. EST - A tyrant. But if you're on it you can feel smug. 4. Central - bleh, blah. just be EST already
America’s Worst Time Where the clocks are off in both directions
hanging out with our friends kids watchin tv and i can’t unsee this
Hi. Hello. A question/request! Does anyone here know a person who could, theoretically digitize some old video footage (not sure exactly what kind of tapes yet) and isolate the audio. It is not for a story, but for a v good cause and I am happy to explain more if you are somebody who could help!
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People got big mad at Apple's iPad commercial and i had a good time with @dlberes writing about why (gift link)
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Warzel
I’m visiting the Lawrence Public Library and found what is possibly the strongest opener for any book ever
I regret to inform you that I've written about the Sphere again as well as Phish, a band you may have feelings about (gift link)
Sphere Is the Mind What it’s like to groove on Earth’s only LED moon.
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Here’s what the national guard bullshit is really about.
thrilled to report that i've weighed in on the TikTok ban
yes but also since trump came down the escalator i feel like every time i see something just flagrantly and incredibly stupid from a politician (the kind of shit where you just laugh and go, ‘man that’s dumb!’) i feel like somehow that thing becomes something i’m forced to see or think about daily
no you're not
so sick that all this stuff is on pace to consume as much energy as the world's most populous country by 2030
i'm fuckin dying
Last month Roku TVs held a bunch of people hostage, disabling TVs unless they accepted a ToS agreement. I wrote about how we are in a golden age of user hostile consumer products and the pervasive sense that the quality of the things we buy is decaying (GIFT LINK)
Welcome to the Golden Age of User They don’t make ’em like they used to!