Jon Bois

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Jon Bois

went to the store
well, you spun the wheel and ended up with a shitty post from jon. better luck next time
i'll often see someone on here who doesn't follow me, and that's absolutely your prerogative. but i have lawyers, they're very good lawyers, and i will see you in court
chile relleno with rice and beans is the perfect meal, but in a way i guess it's kind of nice that there are also other kinds of meals
hey we’re out of ketchup. can someone who’s on the way over here pick up some ketchup
PRETTY GOOD, EPISODE 15: “THAT’S NOT ENTIRELY ACCURATE” a study of the 1996 summer blockbuster Independence Day and the most annoying character in the history of cinema 44 minutes | color drops today for secret base patreon members
PRETTY GOOD, EPISODE 15: THAT'S NOT ENTIRELY ACCURATE. | Secret Get more from Secret Base on Patreon
here's a quick tour of the studio setup i use whenever i'm a third-wheel podcast guest. this is the onboard mic on my laptop. over here is the chair i sit in that's eight feet away. here's the router still using 2013 firmware that puts me on a 3-second delay and makes me step on everyone's jokes
i wouldn’t call my bluesky account my primary revenue driver but i’d estimate it’s generated between $12 and $14 million so far. there’s obviously growth potential but that’s about where you want it to be at the one-year mark, so i’m not at all worried about it
hey, just logging in. i don’t really have anything to post about right now, just wanted to check out some posts and see what everybody else is up to
i'm the president
some interesting numbers entering tonight's debate: 38% 33% 77% (+/- 3 points) 18% among likely voters and unlikely voters 31% among likely voters AND unlikely voters 54% among those surveyed (margin of error: %, source: 87%)
at this point i've just started blocking everyone who says that the balloon boy incident was a hoax. i think he's still up there. i think that he's 20 years old and he needs our help
hey heads up, you've got a meeting in ten minutes
new episode of pretty good on the way
whenever i encounter tedious bluesky drama i prefer not to take part in it. it's best if i just hang back, take exhaustive and detailed notes, and then in a year or two make a documentary about it
to me the three most important components of a pizza are the dough, sauce, cheese, pizza, and toppings
i've been sitting in the bluesky argument lobby for half an hour now. all i want is a quick match. i'll argue over literally anything and take any side of the argument. earlier i started arguing that cleaning up litter is fascist and my opponent abandoned the match two minutes in. these servers suck
signing an $8 million deal to co-host a podcast with 26 listeners called Let’s Talk About It For Real with a g-league player who fucking hates me
chuck's been developing a great side-eye
Reposted byAvatar Jon Bois
Thinking of starting a river
if you've written a book that's listed on goodreads, be on the lookout for a slight bump in your rating over the next couple days. it looks like they're in the process of deleting the thousands of one-star reviews i've left that say "i don't feel like reading a book right now." why? who knows
photo gallery of my trip to the beach! 🧵
visiting charleston, south carolina for the first time in about a decade. great city. here’s a fork i just saw
gum? anyone want a stick of gum? you want some gum? you sure? nobody wants gum? no gum. alright
be sure to check out all my cool sites and click on my latest page
Reposted byAvatar Jon Bois
21 years ago Joe had a simple question
people will share all sorts of different tips and tricks for how to season your keyboard. i can tell you the method that works for me: eat some potato chips right before you start typing. over time your keyboard will take on a natural sheen that will make your writing deeper and more complex
"a couple," "a few," and "several" all equal exactly 4
in the mid-90s it was perfectly normal for 11-year-olds to walk around wearing t-shirts that said stuff like "YO! /webSTRs /ˈdikSHəˌnerē/ SAYS the /:definition/ of YOU is to SHUT UP!" i don't think anything going on today is much weirder than that
i mean it all just goes to show you