
It is wildly, unquestionably maddening how the Republican nominee is a widely and intensely loathed figure who is also a convicted criminal who is awaiting trial for stealing state secrets & staging a bloody coup attempt, and oh by the way he got hundreds of thousands of Americans killed & oversaw…
…and made more painful a practical economic depression, and oh btw the civil courts have dubbed him a rapist and a blundering con-man masquerading as a supposed tycoon, and it’s the DEMOCRATS who are in absolute disarray right now with four months to go
And no, it’s not the fault of the media that they put themselves (and all of us to be fair) in this position. Jesus fuck. Even if the Dem nominee, whoever it is maybe Biden, pulls it off in November, it would be the electoral vision of if the Hangover movies’ weddings happened in real life…
…Sure, you made it there, but why was it that much of a dire question to begin with?????????
Truly infuriating that we all have to pretend like any of this is normal. Like, yes, Biden is better than Trump on every possible axis of measurement, in the same way a scarecrow, or a small child wearing a blue ribbon, or a person who literally thinks they are a tree would be better on every axis
And yes, Biden's nominees and staff have done some genuinely good things. But also ... we should not be here. We should not be here as a country. It is outrageous. People should be outraged. Everyone involved in us being here should be banished to the top of a tall mountain to repent for it
The centrist dipshits who dithered on the invisible primary and then panicked at sanders doing well should have coalesced behind buttigieg and the fact that they didn’t is their fuckin fault
Buttigieg needed to have a pulse with nonwhite voters and he very much did not. A nominee that's unacceptable to Black voters just isn't a choice.
Yes. Get it all out. Anger. Disgust. Whatever. You’re not wrong! In November, your choice will be Biden or Trump. After voting for Biden, work towards some change. If you do anything else but vote for Biden, you won’t have to worry about it. Welcome to adulthood.
Yeah, as an European I'm really baffled these two are the best you currently have (no, the independents are not better).
— it is utterly baffling that these are the candidates. in fairness, they were not selected in a "best context". the voters and party have a play in the laziness of the choices. (otherwise, incumbents would not have such a lopsided advantage, gerrymandering, and all those goodies).
And yet we are. And it’s not surprising given the people in this country.
These moments have happened many times in my life. There is never accountability. There’s barely even criticism.
If the entire Republican Party & half the country weren’t under the sway of Mr. Trump we’d have the luxury of going 1,000 different ways. The terrible candidate Biden and his unelectable VP Harris did in fact beat Trump in 2020 when we were all unsure if anyone could. Hilary didn’t.
The people most responsible for getting us here are 2020 Dem primary voters in South Carolina