Emma Newman

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Emma Newman


SFF author, audiobook narrator, podcaster, tea drinker. Loves LARP, dressmaking and nerdery. www.linktr.ee/emma_newman
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I'm all out of brainpower for my OU assignment, so I'm listening to Imagining Tomorrow with @emmanewman.bsky.social to regenerate some. It's fantastic solutions journalism, just what the tired environmental science student needs. friendsoftheearth.uk/about/imagin...
Imagining Tomorrow podcastfriendsoftheearth.uk Imagining Tomorrow is a podcast series by writer and award-winning podcaster Emma Newman in partnership with Friends of the Earth. Listen now.
Reposted byAvatar Emma Newman
Reposted byAvatar Emma Newman
Reposted byAvatar Emma Newman
imagine how much great art could have been created if we took a fraction of the money spent on getting computers to make shitty art and gave it to actual artists
Reposted byAvatar Emma Newman
Trees for life is a Scottish charity that works on rewilding, tree planting and wildlife conservation. As part of our efforts to be a more sustainable convention, we have set up a grove page with them. 1/6
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BIG NEWS - FREE ADVENTURE!! The next Thrones & Bones TTRPG adventure is HERE and it's FREE. We're giving a 50 page, full color PDF of Troll of the Town away free to everyone who signs up for our newsletter, Lazy Wolves. For D&D and Black Flag Roleplaying. louanders.substack.com
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Reposted byAvatar Emma Newman
So, I think when my editor asked me to do a long list of Tory policy screw ups since 2010, he was expecting something funny? The reality was... not particularly funny.
An (incomplete) list of every terrible policy the Conservatives have inflicted on Britain since 2010 | Jonn Elledgewww.theguardian.com Readers, brace yourselves, says the writer Jonn Elledge
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The Helsinki library is like the apotheosis of Library As Useful Public Space. I am in awe.
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Here's the post I just sent out to my subscribers using the new website: enewman.co.uk/its-been-too... It contains all the latest news and stuff that's been going on since I sent out my last newsletter which was (checks date, feels slightly sick) some time ago.
It's been too long!enewman.co.uk Hello my lovely, If you’re reading this from an email, and you can hear a distant cheer on the wind, it’s because the overhaul of my newsletter has been successful after several months of trying to f...
Here's the post I just sent out to my subscribers using the new website: enewman.co.uk/its-been-too... It contains all the latest news and stuff that's been going on since I sent out my last newsletter which was (checks date, feels slightly sick) some time ago.
It's been too long!enewman.co.uk Hello my lovely, If you’re reading this from an email, and you can hear a distant cheer on the wind, it’s because the overhaul of my newsletter has been successful after several months of trying to f...
Reposted byAvatar Emma Newman
A forthcoming @aptshadow.bsky.social Narrated by @emmanewman.bsky.social ! (who has narrated for Adrian before and is an awesome narrator in addition to being a fantastic writer).
At last! I have sorted out a new website and newsletter service with the brilliant Ghost Pro. Early next week I'll be sending out my first newsletter in what feels like eleventy billion years. Subscribe here to get it: enewman.co.uk If you were already subscribed before, no need to do so again!
Emma Newman's Placeenewman.co.uk Emma Newman Books, Audiobook narration, podcasts
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Many updates for our publishing imprint! Read about our anthology, our authors, what we're building, the status, where we need to be, and more. ko-fi.com/post/Imprint... #publishing #books
Imprint Update - June 25thko-fi.com Jendia Gammon published a post on Ko-fi
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It is very Monday today, so I thought I'd post this absolute gem from 2016 that I bookmarked for days like today. the-toast.net/2016/05/12/i... [Wistful sigh]
If Tom Hiddleston Were Your Boyfriend -The Toastthe-toast.net A willing foe, and sea room.
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Reposted byAvatar Emma Newman
There are two mine water sites in PUSH-IT (4 other sites are exploring heat storage in boreholes and aquifers). This one in Cornwall, SW England (5 minutes from my home!) is exploring heat storage in historic metal mine complexes: www.push-it-thermalstorage.eu/pilots/unite...
United Downs – PUSH-ITUnited Downs – PUSH-ITwww.push-it-thermalstorage.eu
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Just caught up with this pod by @emmanewman.bsky.social discussing the use of mine water for seasonal heat storage (thanks @ctjhill.bsky.social!) Our PUSH-IT project is exploring the viability of these kinds of projects, and generating insights about how to better engage communities around them.
Cool. Imagining Tomorrow is a great series, and the flooded coal mines are in the first ep, along with other solutions. This first series is very UK-focused but I think she wants to expand the scope later. friendsoftheearth.uk/about/imagin... BBC also covered the idea www.bbc.com/future/artic...
Imagining Tomorrow podcastfriendsoftheearth.uk Imagining Tomorrow is a podcast series by writer and award-winning podcaster Emma Newman in partnership with Friends of the Earth. Listen now.
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BREAKS volume 2 is out today! ^_^ If it's not on a shelf in your local retailer soon, it'll roll out soon, so go fly - fly, lovely people!! With love from @malinryden.bsky.social and me, released by @orbitbooks.bsky.social UK. 🏳️‍🌈🥰
I'm working on website stuff and taking a step back to think about what it really needs to contain. When you have been to an author's website in the past, what have you been looking for? What info is critical for you?
I have been utterly swamped by all sorts of work and life stuff for the past few weeks, and as a result forgot to post about Episode 6 of my Imagining Tomorrow podcast, which is all about Youth Activism. friendsoftheearth.uk/about/episod... Please could you help me to spread the word about it?
Episode 6: Campaigning, Collaborating, Motivatingfriendsoftheearth.uk Listen to episode 6 of the "Imagining Tomorrow" podcast with presenter Emma Newman about the young people spearheading climate action.
Reposted byAvatar Emma Newman
Thanks to @astrokatie.com for a mention that sent me to find @emmanewman.bsky.social PLANETFALL = awesome / could not put down! Onto Book2
I'm thinking about using Ghost.io and was wondering if anyone has any experience using the platform and, if so, what your thoughts are. In particular I'm interested in how good their support is.
Ghost: The best open source blogging platformghost.io Beautiful, modern publishing with email newsletters and paid subscriptions built-in. Used by Platformer, 404Media, Lever News, Tangle, The Browser, and thousands more.
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Look at our lineup so far!! And more announcements this coming week, starting Sunday! Help us get there: ko-fi.com/post/Publish...
Look, all I want is for the Tenth Doctor to rock up in the Tardis, hold out his hand to me, lead me inside and take me off on adventures. I mean, is that too much to ask? Is it? [sigh]