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bracelet maker, baseball nerd, adoptee, archery enthusiast. i’m trying my best. she/her 🇲🇽🏳️‍🌈✡️
Literally no team gets a tougher whistle than the Sky smh
Chennedy Carter and the Chicago Sky play basketball in 10 minutes!!!!
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Maybe once a year one dude on our block would drive to a different state and come back with like...one mortar firework and the whole street would be very excited to see it go but I don't think the east coast can claim firework superiority lol
As an east coast native, the east coast has nothing on the Midwest when it comes to illegal fireworks.
If you grew up on the west coast, I think you never quite grow accustomed to the east coast thing where every neighborhood sounds like it’s having a moderately disorganized battle each evening for a week around the 4th of July.
This is like when Mike Shildt talks about how he’s proud that the Padres fought back when they lose 9-8 after leading 6-0 in the 3rd.
Most important election of our lives but if we lose we can feel good that we tried. Participation trophy vibes for fighting authoritarianism.
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This is one of the most perceptive things I have ever known a non-adoptee to say about #adoption.
“I'll feel, as long as I gave it my all, and I did as good a job as I know I can do, that's what this is about.” Biden man that is decidedly what this is about what the fuck are we doing here
thank god sports are slightly right wing coded so they will still be allowed under fascism.
the party is explicitly against literally the only chance they have to do anything good for the rest of our lives (expanding the court). what does it tell you that they can’t commit to even that low low bar? they’re not serious.
even if dems pull off this election (there is no data suggesting this is likely), country’s cooked because of chevron and a million other things. it’s all just a rave on the deck of the titanic, at the end of the day.
even if dems pull off this election (there is no data suggesting this is likely), country’s cooked because of chevron and a million other things. it’s all just a rave on the deck of the titanic, at the end of the day.
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also open to an asteroid just actually hitting and ending all of our suffering.
everyone on all sides regardless of their actual take sounds truly deranged right now, i think we need a 24 hour moratorium on political discourse. maybe an asteroid could almost hit or something as a distraction.
Late night basketball tonight with the Sky/Storm, nice.
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this is why the white liberal panicking over this whole thing falls on my ears funny. they sat on their hands while a militarized police force rolled tanks thru their towns, all but saying that such displays of might were necessary. who did they think was going to enforce fascism?
the people who thought "defund the police" & "black lives matter" were too spicy are suddenly freaking out about project 2025.
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A friend watching the WS parade in 2022 told me something that stuck with me: a news reporter asked a fan why Houston loved the Astros so much, and the fan replied (paraphrasing) “look at them. We’re all kinds of people, and they’re all kinds of people.”
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We should all band together about something uncontroversial - the #Astros!
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As my Fitbit has finally finished dying, I am trying to raise $50 for a fitness tracker to help me pace myself in my continued recovery from post-COVID symptoms. All boosts and donations would be so appreciated. ❤️ ko-fi.com/kilagreene/g...
Support Kila on Ko-fi! ❤️. ko-fi.com/kilagreeneko-fi.com Support Kila On Ko-fi. Ko-fi lets you support the people and causes you love with small donations
also open to an asteroid just actually hitting and ending all of our suffering.
everyone on all sides regardless of their actual take sounds truly deranged right now, i think we need a 24 hour moratorium on political discourse. maybe an asteroid could almost hit or something as a distraction.
everyone on all sides regardless of their actual take sounds truly deranged right now, i think we need a 24 hour moratorium on political discourse. maybe an asteroid could almost hit or something as a distraction.
how well i am doing from a mental health perspective is inversely proportionate to the amount of stardew valley i am playing
we fought a war to not have to care about this
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I think a lot about how Clemente had the most Puerto Rican death a ballplayer can have: so busy trying to do something no one else was doing that he didn’t stop to think that he was getting on a colossal death trap—because he cared more about Nicaraguan victims of an earthquake than his own life.
this is about a video where lexie hull asks her if she wants to play mermaids in the pool and she says yea lmao
happy fifth anniversary to this delightful independence day photo of #mycloser
summer in chicago >>>>>>>>>
i know it’s very trendy to hate fireworks but we are going to go to the roof and watch them in 360 with lots of other humans and have a good time 😌
what a great day, june 19th!!!!
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Once again, if you doubt that the LNP is as living and breathing a thing as the baseball we watch in this much worse universe, I have to ask you to read this.
Why not celebrate today by reading about some actual baseball? We’ve shown you 12 of the 1903 no-hitters and perfect games—but we haven’t shown you the best of them. Check out our favorite three pitching performances of 1903, plus an honorable mention: ko-fi.com/post/La-Pulc...
La Pulcritud, Part 4: The Honoreesko-fi.com Liga Nacional Puertorriqueña published a post on Ko-fi
america’s team the astros beat canada on independence day 🦅🦅🦅
america’s team the astros beat canada on independence day 🦅🦅🦅
look this is the most relatable he’s been to me and also yeah
ok he’s toast