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Whatever happened to digging?
not quite sure this is what happened but afaict yesterday I had a flash drive go bad, told my mac to wipe it, it didn't do anything, unplugged it after a while, and then when I plugged in my backup drive later it wiped or corrupted that instead
My favorite fact about the fine structure constant is that it took a very long time to figure out its deviation from the exact integer value 1/137, and also 137 is the gimatriyah value of the word kabbalah
A thread about the value of the fine structure constant in Quantum Electrodynamics. (1/137)
With Keith Smarter's victory receding from view and Macron's successful gambit front and center, it's time for the Dems to switch out Gavin Newsome for Mayor Pete
getting run off of threads but doing fine on twitter
Wow. @nytimes.com has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
When will Biden address the real issue: the sudden ant infestation that showed up in my kitchen last month after years of living in this apartment with no issue
people will go on social media and just say things
Look, I just think that making cigarettes extremely bad for you and also extremely cool looking was a mistake
anyway I just learned this is the new Deputy Leader of Labour in the UK and will be writing elaborate stories of our inevitable meet-cute in my brain for weeks, eventually selling the scripts to Hallmark Channel
I feel like every four years we get news of Iran electing a reformer president but you never really hear of any reforms
Saruman: You fear to go into those mines. The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. Me, a coastal science researcher: Deeper than the knee height of the shortest person in their group?!
maybe we need a new exotic manner of death to compare to, shark attacks are a bit worn out
Marking off days to the Olympic opening ceremony on the calendar like a French Resistance member tracking the ally advance in June 1944. Just have to hole up for three more weeks before we get some discourse relief
Labour got 61% of seats on 34% of the vote; generously accounting for tactical voting, Lab+LD+Green account for 52.8% of the vote - a majority! - and got 79% of seats
Starmer in the news today means we're gonna get at least three op-eds about Gavin Newsome in the Times tomorrow
so what's going on in Europe with women only ever leading right-wing parties, mostly far right
so what's going on in Europe with women only ever leading right-wing parties, mostly far right
Reposted byAvatar yarrriv
The NYT editorial everyone’s talking about today
So what's up with this RTD bus hanging out in DC?
remember to call Joe Biden today to wish America a happy birthday
The great thing about Biden Old discourse is that there's one perfectly clear course of action that Dems must follow. The only issue is that every pundit has a completely different course of action in mind
a problem that the campaign faces is a high % of likely voters are ageist, in the same way the the Clinton's problem was that a high % of likely voters are misogynist, and Obama's problem was racism, etc etc 🤷
A problem the campaign faces is that a high % of likely voters have had direct experience with an aging person’s loss of functionality, and brings that experience (rightly or wrongly) to their view of Biden
for the purpose of this poll the Times called about 1 in 1,400 registered voters in the US
Torn between Liz Cheney and Chelsea Clinton. Maybe Bloomberg if we want a man?
So Politics Bluesky: If Kamala runs, who should her VP nom be?
not going to get into cat-eating discourse but this is your regular reminder that there's no coherent version of empathy-based liberalism that does not extend to non-human animals, and if you've ever quoted "the cruelty is the point" you should look into how the meat you're eating is raised
Rooting for the Lib Dems in the UK, not for any policy reason but because their color on electoral maps is the one used in the Jeb! meme
Calling on Biden to step down in favor of the Dems' best available candidate: Barack Obama with a fake mustache
Reposted byAvatar yarrriv
How accurate is the weather forecast in your city? Niko Kommenda and I learned that NWS just began doing gridded assessments of forecast accuracy. We got the data and mapped of how many days into the future they get within 3°F of the observed high temp. www.washingtonpost.com/climate-envi...
You ever think about how 90% of the people you used to talk to on Twitter looked at Elon's pro-Nazi, pro-CSAM policies and thought, eh, seems bad but I can't be bothered to give up my followers
Maybe the Times' psychiatric evaluation op-ed department can look into what's going on with JKR
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written