Caroline Derry

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Caroline Derry

Legal history, temporalities, gender, sexuality and criminal law. Professor of Feminism, Law and History at the Open University.
Author of Lesbianism and the Criminal Law (2020)
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This will be doubly awkward as the number of NOMINATIONS required for a candidate to make the Tory Leadership ballot ISN'T a percentage. It's a fixed number. 100 MPs. I'm sure it sounded reasonable at the time. Good luck getting 100 Tory MPs to agree on something when there are only 121 of them.
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I had so much fun chatting with author Kitty Murphy about her Dublin Drag Mysteries - and Agatha Christie - for Pride Month at the Open University #PrideMonth
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In this article, I pierce my ambivalence about statutes, to examine 3 arguments against pulling them down: That this re-writes history That this is not objective That this is judging the people they commemorate with the values of our times, not theirs.
Judging Statues by the Values of Their Whose values are these, exactly?
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Every academic article has a corresponding author whose email address is listed on the first page. If an article is paywalled, just send a short, polite email requesting a PDF from the author. 95% of the time you’ll receive it within a day. People like knowing their work is being read!
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
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Avatar with 3 other feminist networks is CfPs for a ‘Feminist Futures’ Conference details under ‘Conferences’. Also, I’m CfPs for Special Panels for ‘Feminist Futures’ on ‘the manosphere’ See conference call on dropdown menus under ‘manosphere’ Deadline 31/3.24
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Another item for the Jane Austen Guide to Faculty meetings: “Elinor agreed to it all, for she did not think he deserved the compliment of rational opposition.”— Sense and Sensibility, ch 39
Continuing the Jane Austen Guide to Faculty Meetings. (Really, on some recent occasions Austen could have been a fly on the wall . . . ) 🧵 "Lady Catherine was generally speaking--stating the mistakes of the three others or relating some anecdote of herself"--Pride and Prejudice, ch. 29
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Literatures and Laws Online Symposium on Saturday 13th! Check out prog here: and sign up here (free) Papers on law & justice in literature, and considering legal features and case studies in terms of narrative & storytelling
Literatures and Laws Online Eventbrite - Bournemouth University presents Literatures and Laws Online Symposium - Saturday, 13 April 2024 - Find event and ticket information.
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'Today is the 7th of April. Today, we remember. Tomorrow, we must change, So we do not stand here ever again.'
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Interested in true crime, genealogy or #Scottish history? Just published a brand-new index to Sheriff Court Criminal Records from all over Scotland. #Genealogy #LegalHistory
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The First London School Board, c1873, portrayed by John Whitehead Walton. The close-up shows two elected women members, Emily Davies (left) and Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (right). The painting was owned by the Inner London Education Authority until its abolition in 1990.
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With a referendum in Ireland on the ‘women in the home’ clause in our constitution due later this year, I’m going to share my thread from the other place which shows the contemporary opposition to this, as well as the attitudes of those in favour.
National Women’s Council welcomes referendum on the family, family care and ‘women in the home�� NWC to consult with members on proposed wording on ‘family care’
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It’s time to banish any January blues because the next Law and History Network webinar takes place next week. All are welcome as we hear from the awesome Book at
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British Library news (2): BL Catalogue partially restored: "It is a snapshot as of April 2023, and we will not be able to add any new records to it for the time being."
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The most humane coverage I’ve read of the British Library ransomware attack: ‘It is important to remember that experiencing a cyber attack is traumatic for everyone involved, & that the British Library’s staff are working extremely hard to mitigate the impact to users & restore their services.’
British Library cyber attack explained: What you need to know | In this essential guide, Computer Weekly investigates the cyber attack on the British Library that has rendered IT systems inoperable and caused service disruption to thousands of users
I am inspired to revise my book manuscript 🤣
And then, wonderfully, almost 50% of the entire 400 page book is essentially a long, small text footnote in which John Hodgson slowly and methodically demolishes 1500 years of established history to prove Hadrian, not Severus, built the Wall. It is beautiful. It is a work of art. 15/22
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Think on that continuous history for the Canonesses Regular of the Holy Sepulchre for a second and tell me that's not more interesting than Templar bollocks. Like, there are a bunch of nuns quietly shopping on Chelmsford market who are the last true descendants of one of the oldest Military Orders.
Christmas holiday plans sorted! There are so many exciting features to explore.
Really pleased to announce the launch of a new version (9.0) of the Old Bailey Online There is lots of new functionality, and a thoroughly redesigned front and back end.
I'm looking forward to giving this talk!
NEW EVENT Join Dr Caroline Derry for a talk exploring how lesbians are represented in Agatha Christie’s work and the insights they offer into the criminal justice system.
Agatha Christie, lesbians, and criminal Join us and Dr Caroline Derry for a talk exploring how lesbians are represented in Agatha Christie's work.
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If you've enjoyed my Friday Murders but are worried you might have missed one, or wish to show a friend, or simply want to relive all the horror, I've got you:
2023: A All that Victorian death...
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🎄 BOOSTER THREAD FOR MAKERS 🎄 Every year on X I did a thread to boost people making cool things that might make good Xmas pressies. If you create things, reply with: - description - picture - link to buy And I will boost you. Non-creators, boost this thread and buy the cool things! MERRY XMAS
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Brilliant resource here from the Roya Historical Society - workarounds for historians whose research has been affected by the BL cyberattack
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Rather sadly - my first post on here is to let anyone who will listen know that English/Creative Writing at Oxford Brookes is facing massive redundancies - 40% of staff to be culled by January including my own role. Please share and support, we are trying to save our livelihoods #SaveBrookesEnglish