
I hadn't seen this reported anywhere else and Lieu just tweeted that it's not true, just fyi,
pulling out a Polaroid of Yashar with "don't believe his lies" sharpied on the back
Yeah - I don't know what to make of it. It doesn't seem like the Post would fabricate it, or that someone would just make it up and tell them with the credibility to get it published?
I'm sure someone has a recording of the zoom call so it seems insane to lie about it's contents, either if you're the post or you're lieu
I mean. But what I feel we're getting away from is that the paper just went with it. Maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like they should verify what they print? And these are Politico reporters. Not exactly in the tank for Biden.
The journalists reporting on the Beyer piece stuck with it after his denial. Let’s see what happens with Lieu.
I'd like to believe the WaPo wouldn't straight up lie, but it's not like their changing of the guard at the Editor level and recent coverage of Biden gives me much confidence.
I believe it was a phone call rather than a video call, so a reporter may have simply misidentified a voice (though I agree that they should have verified his identity before posting)
(Or a staffer might have? Not sure whether the reporter is meant to have heard a recording or if this was relayed to them)
I'd assume it was whoever told the reporter that got it wrong, not that the reporter was on the call or interpreting facts on their own.
Update: the reporter made a mistake.