
I hadn't seen this reported anywhere else and Lieu just tweeted that it's not true, just fyi,
pulling out a Polaroid of Yashar with "don't believe his lies" sharpied on the back
Yeah - I don't know what to make of it. It doesn't seem like the Post would fabricate it, or that someone would just make it up and tell them with the credibility to get it published?
I'm sure someone has a recording of the zoom call so it seems insane to lie about it's contents, either if you're the post or you're lieu
I mean. But what I feel we're getting away from is that the paper just went with it. Maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like they should verify what they print? And these are Politico reporters. Not exactly in the tank for Biden.
WaPo confused Mark Takano with Ted Lieu. Oy. "The House Democrats who said Biden should drop out of the race were Adam Smith of Washington, Jerry Nadler of New York, Mark Takano of California and Joe Morelle of New York."
Four more Democrats in Congress call for Biden to step aside in the 2024 The new calls come from lawmakers who hold top Democratic positions on key congressional committees.
OMG! Huge mistake! I saw Lieu and was quite surprised so this is a relief
Jerry nadler is 77. Dude needs to look in the mirror and resign before he tells anyone else to.
4 out if 213 is not a big story. These are not big names either, except possibly for Nadler who should have retired years ago.
The journalists reporting on the Beyer piece stuck with it after his denial. Let’s see what happens with Lieu.
I'd like to believe the WaPo wouldn't straight up lie, but it's not like their changing of the guard at the Editor level and recent coverage of Biden gives me much confidence.
yeah though this seems kind of like a speech act situation. you're either publicly calling for it our you're not.
The real crafty version would be if Biden's supporters on the call knew he didn't say anything, then leaked it to try to get him to go on the record supporting Biden?
It just seems like someone has to be lying in fairly baffling ways.
The other thing would be that maybe there was another Asian man on the all and whoever leaked it was racist.
You'd think more leftists would be more suspicious of how much the billionaire-owned media & donor class want to push Biden out It couldn't be because his admin has been busting rich tax cheats, union busters, wage thieves, blocking a record number of mergers, & just generally squeezing their balls
Im literally in this category of leftists who has become so overwhelmingly supportive of Biden and thinks the media is sus that it’s driving me batty seeing it’s not everyone else
I think many of them are willing to believe this because they already hate Biden to begin with. It's harder to accept negative news with someone you happen to like or admire at first.
The only thing I can be sure of is that there will be no consequences.
Maybe the reporters should be forced to take cognitive exams.
My guess is the Post has a source that told them that. That doesn’t mean that source was being truthful.
Seems most likely that Caldwell’s “person on the call” fed her some stuff that many seem very eager to Fox Mulder style believe.
It seems like they should definitely NOT have a recording so that it doesn't get leaked, but then...that's opsec for you
"I didn't say ANYTHING on the call" is also kind of interesting
It was not Lieu it was Takano, WaPo has issued a correction.
Yashir was using Howard Bragman as a source while he was repping Scaramucci, Dylan Howard & some MeToo’s. I got in touch. He blocked me.
Unfortunately, he already cleared out all the pens in the area.
If only we could make this campaign season run in reverse…