M 🧐

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M 🧐


BA double-major in phil/psych (cog sci)
MSc in cyber warfare
disabled in #STEM
chaotic good he/him
I'm working through an algebra text I picked up and this problem was listed as "research." (making strong assumptions based on where I live, given the temperature is decreasing) It could be -0.1 <= x < 0 degrees per 1,000 feet. My friend said there wasn't enough information. Thoughts? #mathed 🧪
oh yeah, I forgot the whole "trump is an insurrectionist and can't be on the ballot" was a thing. *He shouldn't even be on the ballot*
While I think Trump is an insurrectionist and should be barred from office, I can understand some of the arguments the supreme court made today to question if he should be on the ballot. I just wonder how the amendment is meant to be enforced.
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Given the recent circumstances of my life I’ve decided to try and sell some of my originals Offering each of these for $75
So.... will there still be an October surprise or nah, we good?
last night I had a dream my middle school science teacher was trying to explain how bubble sort is racist.
First dream where I spoke spanish to someone. Achievement unlocked.
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I gotta say that people are having a lot of trouble distinguishing cognitive decline (Trump) from age-related changes in expression (Biden). Biden is elderly and talks like it. Trump literally does not have preserved reality-testing
I don't remember the source, but I thought I read that rain water isn't potable anymore. @manelcamacho.bsky.social have you heard anything about this?
Yes, Biden did poorly, but he was honest. His stutter was acting up and he misspoke a few times. Trump on the other hand only lied and exaggerated, and barely answered the questions. I'll vote for the honest and experienced candidate (the one who doesn't want to be a dictator for a day).
Biden may be stuttering, but he is making good points. Trump is half-rambling, half-ignoring questions. Since Trump ignores questions, he gets more time to answer.
If you don't know what your result is, add data and keep fitting the model to the data to see if anything surprising shows up. Experiment with your applied mathematics, don't think the process of discovery is a linear relationship from hypothesis to theorem and conclusion. 🧪
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
when I started my game theory research it was in epistemic game theory. I then moved on to modeling it using Markov chains, but all I had was a model. Now I know what my goal is, and I think it might be an interesting result if it pans out.
Intelligence is a loaded term and I try not to anthropomorphize animals and insects, but june bugs have to be...just...not that bright.
I used to be a musician, so I'd come up with digital art for the albums I recorded in my home. Here's my favorite one.
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I think it would be perfectly ethical to destroy all the ai servers with hammers
Saw this elsewhere and got a good chuckle from it. 🧪 #mathmemes
I tried to watch the original Dr. Who and couldn't get into it, but I'm in love with the new one.
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The Brown v. Board ruling happened 70 years ago today. The reversal of the Supreme Court’s previous “separate but equal” decision highlights how it’s possible to overcome bad SCOTUS decisions. But it took years of activism from brave people to get there. Keep fighting.
This paper outlines a thalamic core hypothesis for conscious states, arguing the neuronal structure plays an important role in not just feeding conscious states but results in sustained coherent loops relative to binding frequencies. 🧪
Thalamic contributions to the state and contents of consciousnesswww.cell.com Cellular and systems neuroscience points to a thalamic contribution to consciousness. Matrix-thalamocortical loops support wakefulness and perceptual threshold, and core-thalamocortical loops maintain...
Today's classes included one dedicated to @dccmath.bsky.social . My students have been studying the classification of wallpaper patterns into 17 symmetry types, and today they practiced making some patterns to fit given descriptions. Here is a thread of images for your enjoyment 1/n
who knew? 🧪
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And for everyone observing that this is happening under Biden's watch: Yes, I am aware. Which is why we will have much work to do regardless. It's just a question of how many more people will suffer and die, and how much harder it is to improve things, with Trump in power.
What's your mathematical alignment? I bounce between lawful good and chaotic good with a bit of chaotic neutral for good measure. 🧪
He is a really nice guy and was very generous in his reading. He said there was no precedent for what I did and that's either because it doesn't work or because it's novel. He agreed to read the next draft. also i did not wear a hat.
I based my paper on his principle finding and now I'm meeting him on zoom monday. 😬 thankfully every time i read his paper i took notes in the margins. oof. also I have a mohawk. should I wear a hat?
🧪 Cryptanalysis against a post-quantum scheme (preprint).
In 2016 I was working in post-quantum cryptography. I was looking at breaking New Hope and developing a scheme using complex analysis called Holomorphic Learning with Errors. I left the field in 2018 but am picking it back up. 1/n Link to preprint: eprint.iacr.org/2024/686.pdf
In 2016 I was working in post-quantum cryptography. I was looking at breaking New Hope and developing a scheme using complex analysis called Holomorphic Learning with Errors. I left the field in 2018 but am picking it back up. 1/n Link to preprint: eprint.iacr.org/2024/686.pdf