Alex Goyette

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Alex Goyette

He/him. Dad x2, nonprofit worker, Alexandria Lead for YIMBYs of NoVA, West End ALX. Go Bills 🦬

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Reposted byAvatar Alex Goyette
“15 items or *fewer*” I shout into the void
Reposted byAvatar Alex Goyette
Now that's what I call a Darién Gap
Now THAT was QUITE a match
Energy saving tip: install a giant condo building behind your home to provide shade at the end of hot days
Apologies to our mail carrier who A) is working in this heat and B) discovered that L’s chosen potty training location is at the front window, looking out She wanted to watch the birds, but may have created a hostile workplace
Reposted byAvatar Alex Goyette
Happy Bizarro July 4th, when we celebrate the divine right of American presidents and the British are holding elections!
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Why I'm so fucking glad we unionized: a thread
So, a short story about organized labor. Last year, my employer, the Natural Resources Defense Council, told staff that there would be layoffs. After the plan was announced, but before it was finalized, we formed a union. I was lucky enough to keep my job but many others were not.
Submitting this map as public comment for the Alex West small area plan Plan area is circled
Put this map together showing where YIMBY-endorsed candidates (mayor+council) got the highest proportion of the vote. No big surprises, but some interesting patterns.
Opinion section thoroughly hinged this week
shoutout to the staff member who used this image for the Alx West draft plan's depiction of parking
The urbanist cabal, revealed
Put this map together showing where YIMBY-endorsed candidates (mayor+council) got the highest proportion of the vote. No big surprises, but some interesting patterns.
Im done with housing and have moved on to a new advocacy focus: DASH Bus googly eyes when
“The more than $3.5 million provided through the HUD Pathways to the Removal of Obstacles (PRO) grant offers funding to communities that have been actively taking steps and demonstrating progress in addressing local housing barriers.” 🤩
Alexandria was excited to host our friends from @HUDgov to accept one of the inaugural PRO grants to accelerate our efforts to expand housing supply. Thanks to @MWCOG for their leadership convening the region and creating such a competitive application!
City of Alexandria Among Regional Partners to Receive Multimillion-Dollar Grant for Affordable Housing Visit for more information.
"Caregivers would be better served by policies that allow care-receivers to travel independently. Safe Routes to School programs, transit that serves adults & elders with disabilities, land use that puts care facilities on the corner rather than the highway"
Car-centered cities add stress to care-centered Infrastructure and land use choices can turn a straightforward—even enjoyable—caregiving task, like taking a child to school, into a laborious and sometimes stressful chore. A study suggest the impact...
Organizing > Despair, or something. Anyway I made a meme (Slack is open to members. If you’ve responded to one of our action alerts you qualify for volunteer membership:
Oh you thought you were mad about gerontocracy? Wait 'til you hear how much of Alexandria West is just parking lots
A couple key members of our comms team left this month and it’s going great 😅 Related, if you know any comms professionals who care about gender & immigration justice & wanna work on a great team with awesome benefits like a sabbatical, check it out:
Do you see what I see? Someone heard my constant griping about wanting to integrate commercial uses into public space! Huzzah!
Reposted byAvatar Alex Goyette
Last week, the Alexandria Times decried opinion pieces that "denigrate local residents" while posting an opinion piece that denigrated local residents. This was my response and fact check: Takeaways: 1) volunteers deserve respect 2) bike lanes are popular
Heeding own advice on respectful discourse - Alexandria To the editor: The editors of the Alexandria Times should consider taking their own advice. Editorializing against coarseness in our local politics, they recently called out a City Council candidate f...
am i live-skeeting my Times read purely to distract my friends from bad court decisions and horribly timed layoffs? perhaps
This is a rich text. My favorite is employing otherism, then claiming to be a victim of it in the same sentence
Oops we accidentally confirmed that our readership isn't representative of Alexandria's electorate
"Politicians who oppose bicycles risk appearing mean-spirited. When the Alexandria Times’ editors decided to “denigrate local residents” by printing “Politicians with a small ‘p,’” they ran a similar risk." off the top rope here 👏
Reposted byAvatar Alex Goyette
Okay fess up, which one of you lovely people wrote these
Reposted byAvatar Alex Goyette
I wrote in specifically calling out my use of bike infrastructure for wheelchair outings. So key for us.
Enjoying the multiple Wegmans sheet cake recommendations for famed Wegmans h8r
The projects here both passed! 7-0 for king st and 6-1 for duke Thank to everyone who spoke or wrote in, and especially our friends at BPAC who stay on top of this stuff and tag us in to support 🤝🏻
Alx Skeeters: are you fatigued from all the civic engagement and activism leading up to the election? Same! But the traffic & parking board has some important items for transit & bike/ped safety on King & Duke Please check your emails for a very easy (literally 30 seconds!) action alert from us