Sugar Maven

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Sugar Maven

Let’s be honest here, I’m just posting ramblings.
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I’m so done. I’m actually sleepy and may not be awake at midnight lol. I had a day today.
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In new clip (link below), Vance floats a federal intervention to stop interstate travel. Why? He envisions a bizarre, head-spinning scenario where "every day George Soros sends a 747 to Columbus to load up disproportionately Black women to go have an abortion in Cali."
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Doyle brings up the 53% of white women who voted for Trump in 2016. "It is beyond time for us to stop freeloading on [Black women's] labor and democracy and start carrying our weight."
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Doyle: "We could not just post 'trust Black women,' we could actually start doing it." Notes that Black women have rallied behind candidates that were "far from perfect."
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I’m very hungry. Skipped breakfast and won’t be able to have lunch for a while. Sigh.
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waiting for my midnight snack to bake so I can eat it then go to bed.
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JD Vance: “I am not romantically involved with any couches, I’m just addicted to the thrill of the chaise”
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Protest against the war and Netanyahu's visit to the US. Tel Aviv tonight
Gave up on that whole nap thing, so I started cleaning the entryway closet. Now I’m on the couch with a glass of wine, playing with Chloe.
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Five family members of Israeli hostages were arrested by Capitol Police protesting todays speech by Netanyahu
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Eliminating NOAA, which earned the former president’s ire by correcting his bizarre attempt to edit the path of a hurricane, is a core goal of the Trump Agenda.
I want more Vinho verde 😭 Maybe I’ll get some tomorrow. For now, I’m just lying in bed watching this movie.
Yeah, so I went ahead and started the laundry since I need clothes for errands and social events for the end of the week and weekend.
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Trump’s Project 2025 would deprive Americans of the accurate weather data for which they have already paid. Trump’s Project 2025 would make hurricane predictions worse, exposing coastal communities to life threatening storms with little warning.
I've spent the last week pulling out every ocean policy issue in Trump's Project 2025, and now you get to reap the maelstrom. How Trump’s Project 2025 would reshape America’s oceans:
I should be doing laundry right now, but I am tired. I understand exercise gives you energy-and it has many times before-but I forget that when you’re starting out, it leaves me so very tired. The idea of gathering clothes and carrying it downstairs, then back up in a couple of hours is tiring lol.
Cloudy days are so weird. It’s like, should I still go out to the farmers market and run those errands (I don’t drive), or should I just stay home and read? Gonna sup this smoothie, rehydrate, and think about it.
Are republicans right to rally around a convicted criminal?
Today, overwhelming majority of news orgs wrote positive stories about VP in Wisconsin saying rallygoers were "exuberant" and "cheering crowd of thousands." But, as Rebecca Solinit noticed, at the NYT, pundits are having a bummer of a day. "New York Times in disarray." tweet:
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New from 404 Media: Google is now the only search engine that works on Reddit thanks to its AI deal. Try to search for Reddit results with Bing, DuckDuckGo, or a bunch of others you won't get full results. Further monopoly on valuable information
Google Is the Only Search Engine That Works on Reddit Now Thanks to AI DuckDuckGo, Bing, Mojeek, and other search engines are not returning full Reddit results any more.
More often I am reminded of a genre of furniture fucking stories I stumbled upon years ago. Taken by the Lamp is one title, if I remember correctly. And an armchair is another one.
Day 4 of using my platform to remind you that JD Vance fucked a couch
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Nigeria is experiencing its worst-ever bout of food inflation and, globally, is the country with the largest number of food insecure people, according to the United Nations. Individually and through collectives, young Nigerians are bringing their DIY energy to the food-price crisis.
Remembering the past to feed the Individually and through collectives, young Nigerians are bringing their DIY energy to the food-price crisis.
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