Laura Sykes

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Laura Sykes

Aiming to share next task in #ClimateMitigation:
helping to spread the what-is-to-be-done message beyond the professionals to every human being on the planet?

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Several recent conversations: "We’ve been going at this for years: a steady delete of anything that tells us what we are, a long distaste for the blood warmth and bloom of the creaturely: local fauna and words for colour, all the shapes of ritual and lust surrendered where they fell ..."
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Come on America, wake up. I'd rather have Biden on a bad day than Trump any day.
jesus, at minute 22 he starts digging in on trump and just absolutely gores him deep over and over again, people talk about trump as if he's the only one ever able to score any points, but biden's calling trump a criminal, a rapist, an idiot and a traitor to absolutely *ROARING* applause
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What’s the big deal with agriculture and climate change? 🌳 🚜 Shouldn't we be focused on stopping oil and other fossil fuels? Turns out, agriculture is responsible for as many emissions as the energy sector. For more on solutions, check out the DrawDown article:
Fixing food’s big climate It surprises many people to learn that the food we eat, the farms that grow it, and the landscapes we’ve cleared all contribute to climate change. And contribute in a big way.Unfortunately, policymake...
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And there isn't a certain point where you will know it's "over". There won't be a point where people who care about other humans and other species will get to stop trying because it's over.
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I'm not smart enough to know if keeping Joe or ditching Joe is the right call when it comes to defeating Donald Trump, but I _know_ Kamala would go on Hot Ones, and I doubt either of the other guys would, so that gives her the edge, I think.
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Paris has a sewer museum. A country that honors how it handles poop is a country that gets things done.
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Very funny that the Times was so certain about the panic they were causing that they set up a little live update election-season scoreboard for it
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Unexpected consequences of climate change #726: a bridge got too hot and now it can't close 😐
How hot is NYC? A bridge got stuck open. The vertical clearance of the bridge is only about 25 feet.The Harlem River connects with the East River at its southern end and the Hudson at its northern end. Video is from the executive producer of the NBC affiliate in NYC. tweet:
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Is it just British English in which '#incredibly' is now used to mean 'very, very' (or possibly 'very very very'?). I haven't detected it beyond these shores. Politicians have been using it ceaselessly today - they are 'incredibly honoured' at their election. So we should attach no credence?
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Hi new followers 👋 One of my activities is cohosting the Energy vs Climate podcast where we look at energy transition and climate issues through a 🇨🇦 and Alberta lens (which has important lessons for the rest of the world). Our season finale episode is available now here ⬇️
President #BidenHealth A 1973 report: p.3 refers to his stiff gait, & describes various osteological problems. There is no reference to #ParkinsonsDisease, although 'stiff person syndrome' is one of Parkinson's features:
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Possibly the Conservatives' very worst attempt at a dividing line in the whole campaign.
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TAPPER: Last year was the hottest on record, and this year might surpass it. What will your approach to climate change be? BIDEN: I signed the Inflation Reduction Act, and we're pushing to expand EV access and— TRUMP: Chevron will be allowed to drill for oil in democrats' chest cavities
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Climate change is “loading the weather dice against us,” as I say here. “As the ocean and the atmosphere are heating up, it’s supercharging our climate system, essentially adding more sixes and even some sevens and an eight to our weather dice.” Listen here:
Climate Change Is ‘Loading the Weather Dice Against Us’ Rising temperatures are causing “knock-on effects that we’re only just beginning to understand,” climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe says on this week’s Zero.
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You can now read an excerpt of my book, *The Language of Climate Politics: Fossil-Fuel Propaganda & How to Fight It* in! Here's the gist.👇 And my book offers powerful new ways to talk about the #ClimateCrisis that will help create transformative change. 1/3
I don't get this. In 'the real world', an employer would ask all MPs, and their employees via the MPs, whether anyone had placed a bet on the outcome of the election? It should not be necessary to hold an enquiry?
There are two decent MPs left in the Conservative Party, who know the rule of law - and common sense. Any others care to join them? Anyone?
Former minister, Tobias Ellwood, has called for Rishi Sunak to suspend the Tory candidates accused of placing bets on the date of the election. Sir Robert Buckland, the former justice secretary, also called for people to be suspended.
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A crack in the rock is all it takes for a colony of wildflowers (sheep's bit) and a rowan tree to seed in. If we let it, nature finds a way. 🌎
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If the climate, nature and the environment is your priority, or high up on your list, who should get your vote in the General Election? On Friday's Rare Earth, we went through the manifestos to see what's in there (and what isn't). Listen now on BBC Sounds to catch up:
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What we (nominally) paid for: reduced climate pollution, clean energy incentives. We we get: more methane, more CO2, additional pollution, more fossil fuel infrastructure, no clean energy. 7/7
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Net result 2: Tax incentives meant to promote clean energy instead fund expansion of facilities to produce hydrogen from methane, resulting in release of both methane and CO2 produced from it's combustion. 6/n
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Net result 1: Coal mines and dairies get paid generously for ongoing methane pollution by capturing a little bit of it - it doesn't matter how much they release, just how much they capture. 5/n
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"Our already heavy lift just got heavier which is why none of us can do it alone. I don't know exactly how to counter a wildly careening power ravenous #petrostate during a #climate emergency, I only know that we must. The best of us are stepping up to it. You can too." #abpoli
#Bill20 creates city political parties, funnels $ into elections, empowers the AB government to remove #YEG or #YYC mayors or city councillors & cancel out policies they don't like. We hit up ABN's Molli Bennett about these moves & what comes next.
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