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32. knows too much swedish, not enough finnish. pop culture enthusiast & absolut skitunge. up and coming something or other. singer & writer. she/her (hon/henne). ML ☭ pfp: |
current mood please watch the video for the translated lyrics on the screen this is one of the songs i relate to most so it would make me a tiny little bit of joy if you listen to this song 🎧
Leevi and the Leavings - Pimeä tie, mukavaa matkaa (English lyrics)
huulipunaa paidalla linnunradan laidalla
Reposted byAvatar marlo
Avatar offered to let me stay with her for a bit bur i think i need to start out alone before i can stay with friends. need time to process on my own. emma thank you for always being so kind
i’m not joking or attention-seeking or bluffing
i guess i’ll be homeless now and becsuse of the learned helplessness i won’t be able to take care of myself and wont be able to survive. i won’t have a phone or anything because he’ll be able to track me and i’m sorry if this is the last you hear of me
i guess i’ll be homeless now and becsuse of the learned helplessness i won’t be able to take care of myself and wont be able to survive. i won’t have a phone or anything because he’ll be able to track me and i’m sorry if this is the last you hear of me
things are never going to get better for me why am i even trying why am i fighting tooth and nail to be here there’s no hope for a future for me and everything involving me is conditional
moneys fucked brain’s fucked i should just leave and never come back
Reposted byAvatar marlo
a french canadian PM just answering any tough question with a non-sequitur like he can't understand english is such a powerful bit.
Reposted byAvatar marlo
we once had a prime minister named jean chrétien of the liberal party and he was extremely french and his english was uhhhh shaky but filled the requirement for all prime ministers to be bilingual in english and french. anyways he once said this when asked about protestors being pepper sprayed
Reposted byAvatar marlo
i can’t do this anymore
Reposted byAvatar marlo
When the sleep gauge is full, you will become drowsy.
Reposted byAvatar marlo
So When The Computer Hallucinates A Medical Diagnosis It's All Fine And Acceptable Losses But When I Whisper To The High Priestess That The Gods Of The Mountain Demand An Offering Of Blood It's Suddenly A Big Deal [I am forcibly removed from the temple. I go on to invent agriculture, out of spite]
Reposted byAvatar marlo
Also, tangentially related to current events, end the unjust US embargo on Cuba! Let the Cuban people prosper!
Reposted byAvatar marlo
first date idea (real): you call me on the telephone and tell me about your day
Reposted byAvatar marlo
🎵 You walked into this Arby’s like you were walking onto a yacht
Reposted byAvatar marlo
i could super use some mutual aid donations towards food and essentials. i only have enough food until tomorrow afternoon and am low on essentials. if you can <3 venmo: junostump cash app: $junostump paypal in bio (thx for not seeing my deadname)
Reposted byAvatar marlo
Hattie is gonna need help paying her rent this month. Anything you can spare helps! venmo is @hattiegang, cashapp is $saltyplumsoda
Reposted byAvatar marlo
Reposted byAvatar marlo
Reposted byAvatar marlo
weren't y'all saying it was time to cancel ur new york times subs because of the debate coverage. what happened
has anyone called poilievre “adrien arcand” yet or are we saving that
Reposted byAvatar marlo
robbie looks dissociated good for him
you’re not gonna believe it but. three of them.
most of these have no juice tbh bc canada is a juiceless “nation”
nobody can stop me from making emojipastas of funny canadian political quotes which i think might be a bad thing someone should be able to stop me
Category:Canadian political phrases -
What 👏 is the nature of 🫵 your 👉thoughts, 💭✨😂 gentlemen 🕴️, when 💁🏻 you say 💬 "💥fuddle duddle💥" or something like that? God, 🙏🧎🏼 you guys...! 🤯🤯🤯
nobody can stop me from making emojipastas of funny canadian political quotes which i think might be a bad thing someone should be able to stop me
A proof 💯📊 is a proof. 📊📊 What 🧡💛 kind 💁🏼‍♂️ of a proof? 💯📊 It's a proof. 💯📊 A proof 📊📊 is a proof. 📊📊 And when ⏰ you 👈 have 🤖 a good 🙅‍♂️ proof, 📊📊 it's because❕ it's proven. 📈
A proof 💯📊 is a proof. 📊📊 What 🧡💛 kind 💁🏼‍♂️ of a proof? 💯📊 It's a proof. 💯📊 A proof 📊📊 is a proof. 📊📊 And when ⏰ you 👈 have 🤖 a good 🙅‍♂️ proof, 📊📊 it's because❕ it's proven. 📈