
Anyone know if Kristi Noem's "farm" is an actual farm that raises economically significant amounts of food and livestock or a hobby/lifestyle farm that they run on the side and in their spare time?
I feel like this is a really common conservative affect, doing hunting or sport fishing or having a dozen chickens on your rural mcmansion tract and turn around and act like youre the one supplying food to all the weak naive city dwellers instead of having an expensive hobby where you kill animals
Ya so it's recreation, not agriculture. If shooting dogs and horses is part of your recreation...
From a couple quick searches, it appears to now mostly just be a hunting retreat. So, no.
Not that I'm some expert on dog training - my dog doesn't behave for shit - but most dog trainers warn against amateur use of shock collars because it can make dogs uncontrollable and aggressive to just get used to being capriciously shocked every time your owner gets pissed
Definitely common to have conservative, rural folks try to shock me with the idea that their pig farmer neighbors slaughter the pigs for food. But Noem's story wasn't about that! Goats are delicious; if you want to kill a mean one you don't shoot it in a gravel pit next to the dead dog you 'hated'
Ya I'm pretty sure birding dogs cost several times more to hire for a day than I do
Hi from rural America. Nobody shoots a high dollar hunting dog. They cost real money. You either offload it to a family friend or make it a house pet. You could also use it for breeding,l, assuming it was registered. Beyond being cruel, and cowardly, it was financially stupid.
The chicken massacre feels tacked-on. I mean, in rural America, if a dog starts running livestock or getting into the neighbors’ poultry, then yeah, you gotta put it down, mostly so your neighbor doesn’t have to. In Kristi’s story, it vibes like it’s grafted in as justification.
Or you could, like, give it away. Killing chickens and killing dogs seems like a false dichotomy tbh.
Yeah, she had several options that didn’t involve killing the dog. She just chose the one that was most convenient for her.
As told, it’s also more about her being an irresponsible ass. She’s got a hyped-up, uncontrollable bird dog, and failed to secure it in her vehicle properly when stopping somewhere with chickens running around.
That, too. Like, I guarantee there were no truck bed kennels harmed (or involved in any way) in the making of this story.
Even so you could at least have a vet give it some FATAL PLUS
Wire hair pointer puppies start at $1,500 and depending on breeding and papers, could easily cost twice that with top line prices being $5,000-ish. Just absolute nutjub behavior to double tap a 14 month old dog.
The homestead farm is more than an affect, it's a tax dodge.
That rehoming the dog never occurred to her is wild. Punishing a reactive dog by being EXTREMELY reactive
I have some idea of why the dog might’ve been badly trained; the person attempting to train it was bad at it.
Anyway, what I have gathered from the story is that she’s highly reactive, not patient or consistent, thinks that punishment works better than teaching, is wasteful, and that I feel very sorry for her kids.
Noem's own description of these events are those of a literal psychopath. A 14-month-old dog, still a puppy, really, named "Cricket," beloved by her children. And a goat she "hated" And, yes, shock collars are cruel, and can make dogs very aggressive. Weirdly, dogs don't enjoy being electrocuted.
I mean my general impression of dog training is that 90% of it is "be patient and realize that dogs are not going to understand anything you do more than a minute or so after Thing You Want Them Not Doing as connected to the behavior you want/don't want"
Hi from rural America. Nobody shoots a high dollar hunting dog. They cost real money. You either offload it to a family friend or make it a house pet. You could also use it for breeding,l, assuming it was registered. Beyond being cruel, and cowardly, it was financially stupid.
You’re right. My grandfather raised hunting dogs and was a rancher. I hate how people try to excuse this kind of waste and cruelty by saying “that’s just how they do things out there.”
That's just how assholes do things out there.
I live in rural Arkansas. That is NOT how things are done around here. Unless you're a complete piece of shit.
I lived in rural Missouri and NO ONE would shoot a hunting pup due to what she wrote. That dog would have simply been relegated to not hunting.
"That dog won't hunt" "All right then, cousin Fran has wanted a puppy for a while. Let's see if she'll take er."
This is exactly how we got our family dog. Breeder wanted to keep him, but didn't have space to keep him. Dog managed to get his jr hunt certification anyway.
Assuming it actually couldn't be trained. "Just take it out with the other dogs" is manifestly not the end all be all of training a hunting dog, particularly one still very young
It sounds like she took it out once and decided it couldn’t be trained doesn’t it? Which…is just fucking insane.
We had a neighbor who had a pair German shorthair pointers to hunt with, and sell puppies as hunting dogs. They always sold in pairs or three. EVERY LITTER. Because not every one was gonna work out.
To be fair, she might just be a sociopath.
My family had a big sheep farm, and I made my living herding sheep in the mountains for years, working with countless dogs (and putting down many sheep). Unsuitable dogs were re-homed. Sheep were put down for compassionate reasons. She shot a dog for being a dog, and an uncut goat for being a goat
Farmers do it to other farmer’s dogs when then kill livestock. They don’t do it to their own dogs.
Exactly. And a loose dog killing livestock isn't the dog's fault; it's the owner's fault for letting them run loose. Irresponsible owners are what get dogs shot.
One of my pet dogs is a hunting dog who was afraid of the noise of rifles. Asswipe just abandoned the dog and let him run wild. After some time he got hit by a car and lost the use of a back leg. We adopted him after the surgery and he has lived with us for nearly 10 happy years.
Similar story here. My dog was picked up by animal control, hungry & injured, wandering the rural part of the county. Had a camo collar, no tags. He limped; X-ray showed hip bone shattered probably hit by a car. I’ve had him for 6 years now, & he’s the sweetest, gentlest thing (unless you’re a cat).
He looks like a terrific friend. I'm glad y'all found each other.
You're doing the Lord's work.
Thank-you. That is kind of you to say.
Thank you for bringing up this important point. Only an idiot wouldn't find a way to put that dog to use or sell it on as a house pet
Or someone with a huge anger problem. Someone should check on her kids
Someone suggested a drinking problem, which would also explain the failing to kill the goat, and why the decision was made then to kill a goat that had been around for years.
Wyśl u mnie w iTu2nrwhes ilu
👏👏👏 Well Bloody Said.
Yeah, like, people *do* stuff like this but the whole community is like "that absolute moron who should never be allowed within ten yards of an animal" for basically forever. Three generations down they're "that insane lady from when gramps was small" and there's a ritual litany to recite.
For real, there is a whole set of "I hate people but love dogs" conservatives whose reaction to this story will be 🤬
There’s names that are known for a hundred miles around for how they treat their animals.
There’s a great short story by Walker Percy about a murder-suicide where the thing that baffles everyone is not the murder-suicide but why you’d also kill a very well-bred hunting dog