
Newsom is one of the most punchable people to have ever eyed the leap onto the national stage. People have a Pavlovian impulse to make him miserable. Maybe the general public won't, but you want to bet the election on it?
Whitmer and Pritzker have a bunch of baggage that people on this site who are hyping them absolutely loathe. Whitmer in particular is unusually primed to be the next, "I'd support a woman, but not her" candidate, and Pritzker is a friggin' billionaire
Maybe it is our media selectively quoting but was surprised that in the "World leaders express dismay" stories a few anonymous leaders suggested Newsom as an alternative. How do they even know anything about him? And are they dumb?
I do not understand the weird obsession with Newsom. Dude seems like a massive prick and the platonic ideal of the kind of Dem people of all stripes complain about
accounting for the differences between the Republican and Democratic parties Newsom is as close as you’re gonna get to a Dem version of Trump, and a lot of the obsession with him is from people who buy into the idea that Trump’s an electoral powerhouse
This is pretty much canon. The platonic ideal of newsom for ca dems seems to be someone who does ribbon cuttings, signs anything and everything the leg sends him, and beats the absolute brakes off republican special election rat fuckings. If he deviates at all it gets embarrassing fast
he's so comically ambitious about it that it would be the first thing his opponents would target, and probably successfully
People understand ambition but also they don't like to feel like they are simply rungs on its ladder.
a friend of mine met a (maybe not very talented) federal politician at some get-together and *even while they were shaking hands* he was visibly looking around the room for someone more important to talk to so guess what he remembers about this politician now?
Sharing an ex with DJTJr is itself disqualifying.
I cannot look at him without thinking about him partying at French Laundry while a lot of his constituents were hiding out in their crowded apartments, trying to work from home and also supervise their kids' online schooling. Just one of those "you don't matter but I sure do" types.
I think the closest precedent to him as a presidential candidate is Gary Hart.
There's a definite John Edwards parallel in that people think that other people like him but they don't like him personally and then eventually they learn that everyone else feels the same way.
This is all sports talk radio brain and the Gruesome Gavin people are the callers demanding the team sign Tim Tebow
He was married to Kimberly Guilfoyle and made her First Lady of SAN FRANCISCO and this alone should be disqualifying. He's also the kind of insufferable wine dork one only finds in Northern California. *Very* punchable.