Chris Helgerson

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Chris Helgerson

PNW'r. Social media is a stream of consciousness thing for me. Politically independent/Center-Left (emphasis on Center). I love Erica!
Maybe I'm grasping at straws, but right now I see a glimmer of hope. I've found a company that makes immunotherapies for pets with cancer. *Maybe* if we can get a vet to move quickly, we can turn it around. If you pray, please do it for her.
When you're trying to keep busy and your co-workers are doing their fair share of the workload...
They're just going to send her home for some last "quality time". But it's looking like a month at the longest.
The worst part is the waiting. What will her tests say for certain? Will it be treatable? Is it "treatment" towards healing or just palliative?
The worst part is the waiting. What will her tests say for certain? Will it be treatable? Is it "treatment" towards healing or just palliative?
They drained 200 mL. Now we wait on tests... But if what they say are likely situations, none are great.
So they don't know the cause yet, but it's fluid around (not in) the lungs. They need to drain that, then do some tests. Keep the good thoughts coming. She might be a cat, but she's family.
So they don't know the cause yet, but it's fluid around (not in) the lungs. They need to drain that, then do some tests. Keep the good thoughts coming. She might be a cat, but she's family.
At the emergency 24 vet. Cat is undergoing "emergency treatment". If you have a good thought, send it our way.
At the emergency 24 vet. Cat is undergoing "emergency treatment". If you have a good thought, send it our way.
Hey, a reminder I give people every now and then: a friend of mine got blackout drunk and emailed Bush on the night of the 2000 election and said “I’m going to kill you and you’ll never find me.” Six hours later he was in cuffs and it cost him thousands in legal fees and he’s still on a list.
Must... Work... On... Panel... Stuff...!
Every now & then, a really good actor will be in a really bad movie. And I love when they talk about it without holding back. Ronny Cox gave an interview where said Captain America (1990) "remains to this day, the best script I've ever read. How they screwed it up, I'll never know..."
Go ahead, #CallmeLiberal
John F. Kennedy - Defining September 14, 1960 "...if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties...then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal." Did Kennedy feel the need to defend liberalism? Liberalism has been under coordinated assault on two fronts – first, on the part of "Big-Business" interests which enlisted Lewis Powell, who in 1971 wrote the Powell Memo for the conservative leaning U.S. Chamber of Commerce that laid out a multifaceted blueprint to diminish Liberalism’s appeal - that would roll back many of FDR's New Deal protections for Americans, as well those from later moderate administrations [ "HEIST: WHO STOLE THE AMERICAN DREAM FULL ENG 2011" - ]. The second organized front against Liberalism was aimed against liberal ideology, and came from the Neoconservative movement spearheaded by neoconservative philosopher Leo Strauss, beginning in the 1960’s, described in the BBC documentary: The Power Of Nightmares: Part 1 Baby Its Cold Outside (2004) - The Power Of Nightmares: Part 2 The Phantom Victory (2004) - The Power Of Nightmares: Part 3 The Shadows In The Cave (2004) - The following is an excerpt from the book review of "Leo Strauss and the American Right" by Shadia Drury, professor of philosophy at the University of Regina. [ ] : "...Their job, at first, is to wean America away from its "love affair" with liberalism. To do this they will drive a wedge between liberalism and democracy....Democracy is the rule of the people, or rule according to the will of the people or the majority." It can easily be used to suppress liberalism. By demagogic manipulation democracy, through a populist appeal, can be turned against liberalism. The essential first task... is to produce attack liberalism and gain power. "Strauss thinks that a political order can be stable only if it is united by an external threat, and following Machiavelli, he maintains that if no external threat exists, then one has to be manufactured." The fundamental political categories are "us" and "them." A sense of perpetual crisis and war cements the society together with absolute loyalty to the gentlemen. But the categories "us" and "them" do not stop at external enemies. The sense of crisis makes the struggle against internal enemies an even more desperate war of "us" against "them." "Ayn Rand - Godmother of GOP Philosophy?" - "Ronald Reagan - a Democrat?.....Yes, seriously!" - "Medicare - John F. Kennedy vs [now Republican] Ronald Reagan" - Continuing from Kennedy's speech: "But first, I would like to say what I understand the word "Liberal" to mean and explain in the process why I consider myself to be a "Liberal," and what it means in the presidential election of 1960. I believe in human dignity as the source of national purpose, in human liberty as the source of national action, in the human heart as the source of national compassion, and in the human mind as the source of our invention and our ideas. It is, I believe, the faith in our fellow citizens as individuals and as people that lies at the heart of the liberal faith. For liberalism is not so much a party creed or set of fixed platform promises as it is an attitude of mind and heart, a faith in man's ability through the experiences of his reason and judgment to increase for himself and his fellow men the amount of justice and freedom and brotherhood which all human life deserves...."
This #TopShelfFriday I dive into the confluence of my great loves; Comics, Star Trek, and 70s Kitsch!! I don't know who at Power Records thought Uhura was white and Sulu is black, but I do know that has an earlier edition of the same set.
My goal at the hospital is to make them seriously question my sanity, then surprise them with my competency. Phase I: Accomplished!
It's Christmas in July time, which I hate, and Eddie, who is an idiot, has gone at it full tilt this year. He called me from the police station; he said he got arrested "just for putting on his hat and going caroling". I said "Really?!" And he said "Turns out you have to put on more than a hat!"
Every time I see someone talk about how they find some kind of funerary container online for a significant amount less than what the funeral home is charging, my first thought is invariably "Are you sure that it's not used?!"
Just scored tickets for the first showing of Deadpool and Wolverine! Might cry harder than I did in Endgame... Oh, like you didn't!
As bad as the first 1979 Captain America TV movie was, the sequel (released the same year) isn't *good*, but it's way better and more entertaining that the snooze fest of the first film.
The recipe for these biscuits came from the 1800s. It's ridiculously easy. And they might be my new favorite biscuits!! There were a dozen before I took the picture. Had to make sure they were good.
How many times can you sit and watch Tombstone? I hope it's not 38, because I'm pretty sure I'm at 37.
Curse you, HIPAA! I want to tell about the fun names of patients!
In 2001, Missouri renamed a section of highway adopted by the KKK after Rosa Parks. In 2014 Wunsiedel in Germany "sponsored" a neo-nazi march to become a fundraiser, raising about $12k for anti-extremism orgs. Every time I see these assholes, I think "this is the way!"
State and local leaders react to ‘Patriot Front’ march in downtown State and local leaders are reacting after a group called “Patriot Front” was seen marching through downtown Nashville Saturday afternoon.
#TopShelfFriday I really want the old-school digest editions to come back. Relatively inexpensive reprints that were small enough to hide in a 5th grade math book.
Top Shelf Friday time What's a comic book in your collection that you think deserves to be on that top shelf? Whether its a key, rare, or just one you love❤️ This week, a wonderful gift by, a Superman record! #TopShelfFriday #comicbooks
When I finally finish all my schooling, at the soonest opportunity I'm going to prescribe "an application of leeches to suck the Devil out" of someone. I know that there are medical leeches, but I think it's time to return to their true purpose.
I spoke too soon. Excited to announce I will be co-presenting with my dear friend not one, but TWO panels this year. Exact scheduling to be announced, but we are thrilled.
As the notification window draws ever closer to closing, it's looking like I won't be presenting at Rose City Comic Con this year. Sad, but I'm sure they'll put on a great show and I'm grateful to have done it in years past.
As the notification window draws ever closer to closing, it's looking like I won't be presenting at Rose City Comic Con this year. Sad, but I'm sure they'll put on a great show and I'm grateful to have done it in years past.
Every time I make these "burgers" people react like I'm dabbling in witchcraft. I learned how to make them in kindergarten, and apparently I'm the only one...
I fucking hate what the History Channel has become. At least the wall to wall WWII documentaries were actually (mostly) about history.