
Top Shelf Friday time What's a comic book in your collection that you think deserves to be on that top shelf? Whether its a key, rare, or just one you love❤️ This week, a wonderful gift by, a Superman record! #TopShelfFriday #comicbooks
Let's go with this absolute unit of absolute beauty for #TopShelfFriday
Was lucky enough to pick this one up at HeroesCon a few weeks back.
Thanks! Got this one too. Finished off 1-100 run. Had a great show!
That's so impressive! Congrats on that 🎉
Reminds me of the fact that GL was my favorite JL hero when I was a kid.
Okay, I’ll admit to being envious! My focus was on original art at HeroesCon, but those are some great pickups of yours, congratulations!
This year we definitely down on art for me. Only picked up five or six pieces. Spent more time on comics which is a rarity for me!
Last year I had picked up a few back issues; but this year my focus was on pages and commissions. Especially with the amount of great guests that were there, this year, my budget leaned more towards original art. I’ll see what happens, next year.
That’s pretty much how I’ve been for the last decade plus. This year I had a couple of my kids with me and was pulled in multiple directions haha!! Already looking forward to next year!
Same here! I go with my brother each year (we meet up at the airport, after our flights get in) and we’re already planning for next year, especially since the dates have been announced.
My pick for the week is Iron-Man #16 purely for the dynamic Marie Severin cover. Shellhead teams up with the Unicorn to take down the Red Ghost and his super apes. #TopShelfFriday #Comics
Awesome choice! That Marie Severin cover is fantastic, and it has really nice interiors by George Tuska and Johnny Craig I just love this era of ol' Shellhead 🤗
Awesome cover, and one I don’t think I’ve seen before. Great choice!
Top Shelf - First Howard the Duck. The best!
Nice one! Love those redrawn Neal images, they’re great. My pick for the week is this BWS opus. An absolutely magnificent graphic novel, which I’m hoping y’all have already read? If you haven’t, please. Go. Do.
I have flipped through it but really need to own a copy
I really highly recommend it. I think I had a copy for nearly a year before I summoned the courage to read it, cause it looked like a massive bummer. And it kind of is. It’s super sad. But amazing.
I have always had an affection for this 1990 Lobo boxed set containing the three trade paperbacks Lobo: The Last Czarnian, Lobo’s Greatest Hits, and The Wisdom of Lobo (it’s completely blank). But since getting it signed by Simon Bisley this year at #HeroesCon, it’s now a #TopShelf treasured item!
It occurred to me that I should have been using the blank pages of “The Wisdom of Lobo” to get sketches of the character by different artists over the last 24 years. Probably could have filled it by now.
Noice! Love the Supes covers! My top shelf Friday choice for today is a comic that polarizes many fans today. That said back when it came out it was WILDLY popular. This second print is what I have today, as my originals were lost to the mists of time, divorce, & moves.
It was a game changer of a book regardless of what you think of it, it BLEW my socks off back then
Agreed it was so cool!!
I think it still holds up as a book even if not much else Frank Miller did after the 80s has aged very well. It is just so fully realized and was Miller at the peak of his powers, and for a brief shining moment Miller seemed to have such a great grasp on he character (also Year One)
Batman Year One has gotten better for me as I get older, David Mazzucchelli's art ages like a fine wine
100% agree, it holds up to me. A little context doesn’t hurt, you get fans don’t know just how revolutionary it seemed, this dark reinterpretation of Batman.. (and Superman).
Frank Miller is somewhat controversial now.
Also, it could be argued that a lot of the comic industry was negatively impacted to be always "dark and edgy" post DKR. ESP the 90s The story in and of itself was great, but it's impact can still be felt to this day
Alan Moore said how he and Frank Miller didn’t know they’d be having the impact that they did and laments that too many fans and too many fans who became pros took the wrong messages from “Watchmen” and DKR and drove the medium into the ground.
I'm sure it's happened. But, I'd be curious about a conversation between the two now. They seem so, so, so very different.
Def, Frank Miller is an interesting figure... And the run of "darkness" post DKR is tragic. But, the story is still a good take and blaming what followed seems weird, makes sense though.
I love it, I reread it and Watchmen every few years They were both def game changers and from the same year, what a year for comics
Exactly!! What a year. I’m glad I was alive for it.
I love it (I would not have it if I didn’t love it) I just thought it was worth mentioning that in 2024 it’s not quite as universally acclaimed as it was at publication. I own the Absolute Edition too, one of my favorites.
The Artist Edition is very good, with unused Janson inks and Miller ink overlays.
My pick, to go with this hot summer day (and hot summer in general), Archie Annual #15, with the cover by Dan DeCarlo.