Dylan McGehee

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Dylan McGehee


Furniture designer and builder. Thinker. Iconoclast. Dog saviour. Science aficionado. Psychology degree shows me how f'd up people are. Currently with Weltschmerz... same as you, but I use a German word. Positive nihilist. Secular positive. MAGA negative.
The 'monkey see, monkey do' response from all the smooth brained Trump sycophants is all anyone needs to look at to understand what a cult is. Red hats. Diapers. Band-Aids. I honestly expected some of them to start giving each other .22 caliber piercings. Because, you know... Solidarity, right? 🙄
Fun fact. They can't throw you in jail for debt. Buuut, if you almost cut your fingers off, require stitches, get stitches but then can't pay... and they don't do collection but rather sue you and the court sides with them? Contempt of lawful order. So disfigurement AND jail. Good times.
So... the dimwits want "the ten commandments" posted in public school? Sure👍 Post the ones from Exodus 34 that the bible actually names as "the ten commandments", instead of the cliché from Exodus 20 that it does not.
Make a band bready. Black Rye Zombie
Make a band bready. Au Bon Pain Iver
They say: "I want the bible taught in public schools." They mean: "I want public school to be like MY Sunday school." I actually approve of TEACHING "the bible" in schools. Any academic perspective of the bible highlights the very reason it can be dismissed as implausible as any other mythology.
And now a new Cuban missile crisis type thing... only way worse. Cool.
Make a band milder... Yellow Sweet Banana Peppers
Make a band milder Grateful Ill
Make a movie milder: Logan's Walk
Make a movie milder: The Gulls of Navarone
Make a movie milder: House of 500 Corpses
Make a movie milder: For Whom the Bell Tinkles
SciManDan ripping Inmate #06452-017 apart. Admittedly, this is not a difficult task. Inmate #06452-017 's mail order, diploma mill "doctorate" means his drivel is as meaningless and invalid as a MAGAmind talking about the Schrödinger equation.
Witness the Worst Argument for a Young Earth...EVERyoutu.be Kent Hovind has surpassed even his own high standards of nonsense with this argument for a young Earth. You simply have to see this one to believe it. EnjoyJ...
If you see a taco, quote post with a picture of a taco. You know Bob got the munchies on the regular. Ain't nobody that calm without weed. And there ain't nothin' satisfies THAT cravin' like tacos.
If you see a taco, quote post with a picture of a taco.
Puttin' this on my truck home in a lil bit.
Reposted byAvatar Dylan McGehee
We make fun of the #bible on our #podcast and some people, even some #atheists give us crap over it We feel it is important to allow for criticism of a book that has been revered for WAY too long Treating it as though it were just any other book is our way of helping that along
Pure class, right there.
Everyone needs a picture of J. G. Hertzler (Martok) holding a gay bat'leth on their timeline today. Glory to you, and your chosen family!
Not giving any sort of legal advice or suggesting any mischievous shenanigans... That said... on a completely non sequitur note, the most widely used etchant for stainless steel is called ferric chloride and is available for less than 20 USD per quart online. Just disseminating random information.
This is the dumbest looking car I’ve ever seen
Dan McClellan skillfully explains the nature of the bible and the overwhelming majority of believers of the bible.
None of the Bible was written for us todayyoutu.be #maklelan2064
Saw a guy berating this girl about her upside down cross and how disrespectful it was to HIS religion, she should be ashamed, blah, blah, blah. She stared at him the entire time he was going psycho and when he was done, this amazing girl just said "It's the cross of St. Peter, dipshit." Christians 😂
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy. Not a selfie.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy. Not a selfie.
Reposted byAvatar Dylan McGehee
A MAGA brain is both an oxymoron and a waste of myelin a functional brain could use.
My loyalty was called into question over a "leverageable debt" of 14k dollars. I could have lost my TS/SCI clearance over it. A felony would have been an instant disqualification. Now, the right wing smooth brains are saying a felony is okay for the guy who can launch nukes? Fuck this psycho shit.