Yell In a War

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Yell In a War

Writer (Disney, Spotify, that one West Wing spec thread you remember from Twitter) | Endurance Rider | Bug Simp | mgmt @ Heroes and Villains 💜💙💗
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Please sign the petition demanding his execution be revoked. The DNA evidence exonerated Marcellus Williams but the Missouri Supreme Court does not care.
BREAKING update in Marcellus Williams
maybe it's because it's 2 AM but I am sincerely amused that Politifact actually tracked whether or not Donald Trump kept his campaign promise to not say "happy holidays" (promises kept, in this case, apparently.)
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Please do not forget that this also killed his daughter Erica, who was an amazing woman. She died several years later from asthma, but...this killed her. Her health went into the shitter even as she tirelessly campaigned for justice. I really miss her.
none of my Gen-Z friends believe me that there used to be Republicans who were just kind of stodgy white guys with boring interests who liked low taxes, hunting/fishing, going to church, and talking about things like mineral rights and municipal sewer flows
The pre-Trump GOP has been memory-holed
if Republicans really want to save marriage, they should just create a federal agency that detects when a manboy is about to dump an out of his league woman and sends a dude with dad vibes to his door to prove to him with facts and statistics that he'll regret this and she won't take him back
sources say Donald Trump was excited to learn the Supreme Court granted him broad immunity, because a lot of broads are mad at him lately
Is there an app that will take the 35327459 apps where I am in active conversations, and my email, and my texts, and coalesce them all into a single inbox with good sorting and searching features?
one thing you learn by having lawyer friends is they will go to jail before breaking attorney-client privilege but they have no such obligation to other attorneys and if you show ANY interest whatsoever they will send you all of the stupidest filings they receive from opposing counsel
it's amazing how much i can get done when i'm avoiding apologizing for the lateness of an email
so here's a fun fact about the right's "we just want you to stay married because marriage is good for people's health" arguments "After divorce, risk of poor mental health outcomes appears limited to people who have struggled prior to the end of marriage."
I know we know about JD Vance, but he's also working to make divorces harder to obtain, and says that people in "violent" marriages should stay married and not get divorced. So.
every picture of JD Vance looks like the friend's dad who suggests that you sleep over when his daughter didn't even ask if she could have a sleepover
Every picture of JD Vance looks like he’s sitting at a kitchen table waiting for Chris Hansen to enter the room
lmao at RFK Jr. "taping with an in-house videographer" when Trump called him this man is just running for president to make a documentary about himself Cheryl girl the prenup can't be that bad
for the record, horse vaccine syringes are exactly the same size as human vaccine syringes and they don't cause autism in horses either
well then
heard we liked checks and balances, so he cashed the checks to increase his balances
Remember in 2016 when there was a lot of pressure for Trump to divest from his private business because it's unethical for a president to make money off the presidency especially while in office, but then he just refused to do it and now people don't even really care anymore?
Is it going to rain? I don’t know, my privatized weather service has a partnership with Amazon so it suggests I buy rain boots every day. And the weather satellites are provided by Starlink under a lucrative federal contract so it just says “Great weather to drive a Tesla” anyway.
This got kind of lost what with the Supreme Court allowing Real President Criming Hours but you have Trump to thank for the fact that in most states your employer will likely be able to prevent you from working in your ENTIRE INDUSTRY even after laying you off
Federal judge partially blocks FTC ban on noncompetes. Here's what that means for A ban on noncompete agreements by the Federal Trade Commission is in legal limbo. Here’s what employees should know now.
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This has 42 reposts and we’ve only gained 5 signers. Please take a second to do this if you live in CA. It’s important.
Speaking of, if you live in California, please text “Sign PGHZOY” and “sign PHQICF” to 50409 to encourage your reps to join calls for an independent investigation with public disclosure into allegations against BH city officials colluded with antiabortion extremists to prevent a clinic from opening.
How Beverly Hills became an unlikely battleground for the future of abortion The campaign by an antiabortion group to block the opening of a specialized clinic in Beverly Hills may offer a playbook for similar efforts in other cities and states.
Siri trying to autocorrect “mensch” to “menace” in my texts tonight… what did I ever do to this phone that it wants to destroy my friendships
The only form of birth control that will remain legal under Project 2025
Just gonna leave this here
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Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
at least now JD Vance and Clarence Thomas can have a nice lunch where they bond over believing all of their relatives who are less successful than them are dumbfuck welfare queens, as opposed to "not willing to do quite as much evil for money"
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JD Vance is particularly odious to me because we’re roughly the same age and from the same part of Ohio and I grew up with a hundred pasty, squishy faced white dudes like him & they’re all convinced they’re marginalized because you can’t smoke at Waffle House or say the n-word anymore
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Your friendly reminder that it is okay to look away from the news if constant focus on the world's brokenness is making you miserable. This is not a reference to any particular news story; just... a sense that the whole of everything is dragging a lot of people down.
too many billies not enough hills
i have never seen anyone look more like a district attorney on an HBO max series telling the assistant DA that it's okay to fabricate evidence just this one time (for the 47th time)
Breaking News: Donald Trump selected J.D. Vance, the Ohio senator and “Hillbilly Elegy” author, to be his running mate.
exactly which “undecided voter” (I don’t believe they exist) is waking up this morning like “well I thought I wanted reproductive rights and public schools, but now that the one guy got an unplanned cartilage piercing maybe I actually want Christian theocracy and immigrant death camps”
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In a wildly ironic turn, The Washington Post's new climate-focused AI chatbot often declines to answer questions about AI's growing environmental footprint -- even though the paper has done some terrific reporting on the subject! For
Washington Post Launches AI to Answer Climate Questions but It Won't Say Whether AI Is Bad for the The venerable has a new AI chatbot, designed to answer climate questions. Why won't it answer prompts about AI's growing climate footprint?
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If your version of revolution doesn’t look like people trying to care for each other in some fashion, you’re probably not ending capitalism.