
Since I've gotten some people saying that shaming kids for shitty behavior is immoral, all I'm going to say is: if you refuse to ever shame anyone you end up with a society that tolerates shameful behavior. A lot of people actually *need* to be shamed. I've needed to be shamed sometimes!
Shame can be abused, but I firmly believe that shame itself isn't abusive. Shaming someone is about making it clear that their behavior is bad and if they continue to do it people won't want anything to do with them. It's better than most alternatives to enforce social norms.
If fines mean that a law only exists for the poor, jail is unconscionable, counseling only works on those who already know the thing they're doing is wrong, and shame is abuse, hell, I see why that prisonculture lady's arguing for lynch mobs- it's all you have left.
Lotta socially isolated white folks have this idea that community runs only one way, and I think they have not really grappled with the fact that communities that support you will also, (rightly) judge you, especially if you don't give back in turn.
(My personal blackpill on this has been 'the return of oh-who-cares attitudes about STIs' in kink circles, which is just stunningly dumb and irresponsible. At that point you are a bad person, you should feel bad, and I will shame you like crazy.)
AIDS being highly treatable now doesn't make it a horrible condition, and making someone sick either deliberately or through reckless disregard is abysmal behavior!
Oh the specific HIV stuff I am not even TOUCHING it makes me so fuckin mad, this is like, chlamydia and syphilis, still real dickhead stuff but not the all-encompassing rage trigger there.
Both of those are still painful, life-altering diseases! Once again, that anyone would think they can shrug it off is a joke!
Yeah, just... the number of people who see sex-positivity as a suicide pact where it's verboten to complain when they do all kinds of fucked-up shit.
Herpes wants to remind you that it's still around and not curable with antibiotics.
Oh, that was the entry point. This is the second wave of this dumbassery.
"Well you can't shame people with HSV!" man who said anything about shaming it's a widespread disease but I'm not spreading it _more_, it is not good to have and spread diseases, this is true whether it's HIV or herpes or the fucking flu, how about we just agree on that point.
(Should note; I'm theoretically sympathetic to the no-shaming approach but this bullshit has brought me around to 'if it works while the Nice Way doesn't, then shaming is fine by me, shame as much as you need')
I'll never forget seeing one of my mother's closest friends about three days before he died of AIDS: this dude and his partner practically co-raised me and lemme tell you it's a horrible, nightmarish way to go
And this was like the early 00s so it wasn't so far removed
Thankfully those outcomes are much rarer now, but it's disgusting that anyone would think putting that on the horizon of possible events for someone is no biggie.
Yeah it makes me unreasonably angry like I get medicine has advanced but you don't understand what people can go through. It's horrible.
Oh okay then it wasn't only my city where that started happening. Disturbing
I think it's related to the general organizational breakdown in these circles, it's just about impossible to enforce more than basic rules at a venue these days.
That makes sense. Only reason my prude ass even started to hear about it is those people eventually end up in general LGBT circles and it causes issues.
Oh shit, I kind of stopped participating in kink social stuff after 2020 but before that that I mostly just kept up with people I already knew How recently have you seen this happening? That's awful
2020 seems to have been a Fuck It breakpoint for a lot of people. Before that... IDK, I don't really go digging, I just avoid - but I'd say last ten years or so, tentatively.