LA "slugcore" Guettler

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LA "slugcore" Guettler


author of 3 scifi novels: Red Darkling, the Indie Ink Awards 2022 finalist Bonkpocalypse, and Vacation on Planet Glor.

Find more me at or
Husband to home health nurse: I am lucky to have my wife to bug me to take my medications. Me: That's... not a flex. Husband: What's a flex?
This is a warning. Dr. Debaucherous will arrive in a week from today, and any bickering or other nonsense will not be tolerated. Be prepared to be pay homage to the greatest villain who ever walked this earth. Please have your DNA samples ready for splicing and altering.
I am still really enjoying Zenless Zone Zero, so I drew a few more of the characters, as well as another version of the Nekomata and Nicole drawing. #Art #ZZZ #ZZZero
Yes, you see correctly, there is a drawn person on the right side of this manuscript page trying to slurp away the dirt-stained part of the page with a giant straw. #bookhistory #skystorians
My daughter read ACOTAR and is so excited about it she wanted me to read it too. So I got the audio book. I've been spoiled by Moira Quirk.
'Til de Swinton
Tilde Swindon it's kinda like Swindon, but not exactly
Please make purchase suggestions if your library takes them! Part of our jobs is guessing what books our community might want or need which is sooo much easier when patrons just tell us themselves! We can't get everything but please do ask!
I've known Daev for [redacted] years, a fellow import from FB. Y'all should check out his book series, starting with Spence and Nameless. If you like Bonk, you'll love Spence. "Whatever you do, never get between a man and his cat." 📢📚 #Booksky #IndieAuthors #WritingCommunity
The Spence Saga.
His very own gazpacho soup moment.
So people are talking about the fake version of the JD Vance sparkling water. Here’s the real one. And you know, as someone who had kind of a crash-course introduction to the world of the American elite, let me tell my very similar and extremely different story.
J. D. Vance: What I didn’t know how the world of the American elite I went to Yale to earn a law degree. But that first year at Yale taught me most of all that I didn’t know how the world of the American elite works.
gotta love how contemporary publishing is 30000000 beautiful, deeply felt, finely crafted books with 7.5 readers each whose authors are just barely making a living, and like 4 books that financially support the whole apparatus, each of which has comprehensively and unforgivably destroyed society
This is pretty darn neat!
And the moment when you manage to manipulate gravity into clearing both nostrils at the same time-- even if only for a minute-- is exquisite.
That weird moment where one nostril is clogged but the other one is running is a particular point of hell.
Couldn't die or *wouldn't* die?
Poster for THE THING THAT COULDN'T DIE (1958), starring Andra Martin, BOTD in 1935
every fic comment I get is a precious jewel that I'll treasure forever. I do honestly reread them when I need a little pick-me-up. but replying to them is impossible and makes me feel like such a tool, I assure you I am writing "omg ty!!!!" with 10000% sincerity even if I wrote it 18 times in a row
I think I have several choices, depending on what I'm writing, but this seems to encapsulate my published novels.
How would you describe your writing voice?✍️
"How do we support the trans community?" You could donate to MA fund 😐 Call your representatives? 😐 Boost & financially support trans creators? 😐 Talk to your friends and family about threats to us? 😐 Um, yell at a stranger for working a place that is bad? "YES. THAT. WE'VE GOT YOUR BACK!"
Cat in a box
Counter programming the timeline by only posting photos of cats sitting in boxes
Him: I don't like how he talks to you. Me: Then why don't you say something to *him*? Him: It's not my place, and I hate confrontation. 🔪🔪🔪
Life is too short for bad books and whiny men.
VACATION ON PLANET GLOR: A Mix-Your-Own Darklingverse Jam You're a small-town dork on your first off-world vacation. You've got a bad map, a detailed itinerary, and no clue what you're doing. What could possibly go wrong?
This house came with a #haunting. The agent tried to hide it from me, not realizing it was a selling point. The dishes get rearranged nightly. The floorboards creak at odd hours. But I've the comfort of knowing I'll never be alone again. Worth cleaning up a little ectoplasm now and again. #whistpr
The folks who are wishing Trump well "even though they disagree with him" are the same ones who loudly wonder if we "need to start asking some difficult questions" every time a trans kid kills themselves.
Post the last photo of a dog you have in your gallery Bison with his action paw
Post the last photo of a dog you gave in your gallery
My name is Sylver and I am genderfluid, as is the main character of my first book series. Their name is Aydyn, and they work as a supermodel, but use their influence, as well as knowledge of clothing and make-up to also work as a spy.
A daily word & image by meant to inspire any type of creativity. Share your art, original words, poetry, writing snippets, photos, etc. NO A/"I" please! #author #writing #art #WritingCommunity Tag your post: #whistpr Prompt for July 14, 2024: #HAUNTING
We had our allotted 3 with Shelley Duvall, Dr Ruth, and Richard Simmons.
Mini donkey feed refresher
We had mini donkeys for wagon rides at the library today for our Summer Learning Finale! #SaturdayLibrarian #LibraryLife #PubLibs 📚
I caught my one and only Tw!tter ban the day Trump got covid. Today I'm glad to have bluesky