
these people are trying to elect trump and deserve the blame for what they did
Biden has been the most successful progressive president in half a century and the current “progressive” line is that he should immediately resign in disgrace at the insistence of the New York Times. Can you not see how this is an insane hysteria? How social media has completely broken you
Step one is that progressives stop overtly trying to destroy him?? What is wrong with you, you’re setting him on fire and saying “tell me how we extinguish him”
He's losing. Tell me how he wins.
Voters number one concern is his age. Their concern appears to be valid. How do we overcome that?
It being their number one concern doesn't tell us anything about how it will affect their vote
No, the polls are telling us how they will vote, and it's not good. He's incapable of campaigning too, so how does it turn around?
I mean, he's had public events and media appearances in four swing states since the debate. That's not "incapable of campaigning," whatever you think about the substance of the campaign or its talking points.
I mean, sure. If you count the interview tonight as campaigning. I guess a better way of phrasing it would be that he's incapable of articulating why anyone should vote for him.
No, I was counting appearing on local radio programs in Milwaukee and Philadelphia, rallies in Raleigh and Madison, and upcoming public events in Philadelphia and Harrisburg this weekend.
That's just not what "incapable of campaigning" means.
Fair enough. I should have said incapable of campaigning effectively. He does not appear able to strongly present his case anymore. (see: debate, tonight's interview, etc)
Well, I hope you're right. He's got a tough hill to climb. He better be up to this.
The polls have barely moved in the wake of the debate. They dipped considerably more after Obama's first debate. So why the hell should he drop out?
polls tell us how people are going to vote? well shit when did that happen?
*troll alert* to anyone reading posts from this person. The “trash” part in the username is appropriate. ☺️
He has been on the campaign trail all week making appearances. Quit with the lies.