
these people are trying to elect trump and deserve the blame for what they did
Biden has been the most successful progressive president in half a century and the current “progressive” line is that he should immediately resign in disgrace at the insistence of the New York Times. Can you not see how this is an insane hysteria? How social media has completely broken you
He's losing. Tell me how he wins.
probably by getting more votes than the rapist
Well, he's currently not on pace to do that. How do we fix that?
if Biden is the nominee I *guarantee* he gets more votes than trump
Cool. Well I hope you're right. That seems to fly in the face of all current evidence. I'd prefer not to chance something like that your guarantee, no offense.
All the polls guy. He's losing every battleground state.
We make the election about trump, and we unite everyone in the center and left in the mission to do that.
By people voting against fascism. How is this confusing you?
If the election were held today, he would lose. How does he improve his chances?
And you know this how exactly? Because this time last election Clinton was streets ahead. Oh also Biden beat him last time from a position of disadvantage and MAGA has lost more elections than won. Those facts don’t weight against your claim based on…?
So, your plan is to hope for the best? And bank it all on a guy who is incapable of campaigning, or debating, or any of the things that typically push candidates over the top?
Exactly, actual results are data points that are pretty hard to ignore, Trump keeps losing. Oh and he’s gutted the RNC of cash and talent so their GOTV campaign is going to be a clown show of burning diapers. Good talk!
Our plan is to VOTE and get as many like-minded to ALSO VOTE !!! Biden campaigned TODAY in Wisconsin, you might have been reading the NYT and missed it.
I like this plan! Like all good plans it’s simple, actionable and has a proven track record of success.
Find me a real honest to God Democrat that can be replaced on the ballot and can beat Trump in less than 4 months. A real name, not Generic Democrat Number Five. Mayor Pete? Bernie(old!!) Newsom? Kamala? Hilary Clinton again? Do you secretly pine for 2016?
Don’t worry polls showed Hilary beating Trump by double digits less than two weeks before the election. Also Kerry was crushing Bush in early September. So what the polls say now are totally predictive of what will happen in November.
"Fake polls" is not an answer that inspires confidence in anyone. You guys sound like MAGA.
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