
Amazingly good news. Would like more like it, please.
A federal judge blocked most of a law championed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) that strictly limited transgender health care for adults and banned it completely for children.
Judge calls DeSantis ban on transgender care A federal judge blocked most parts of the law propelled by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis that banned gender-affirming care for children, and limited it for adults.
Please listen to me very carefully right now: Learn to take and celebrate small short wins, to build momentum and morale, or you and everyone you need to fight beside you will be burned out, demoralized, and demotivated before the next big opportunity comes along.
If you want to succumb to despair, have at it, but i am trying with literally all of my might to fight against encroaching depression and am asking you to please get the fuck out of my mentions and stay away from me if all you're going to try to do is give *it* help.
It is truly astounding the number of people who will show up in mentions on here to argue endlessly but fail to take the point of "rage, rage against the dying of the light".
And like, don't get me wrong: I absolutely get it. There are days when nothing short news of several sudden & prominent heart attacks & the declaration to expand and packed the supreme court with progressive justices can drag me out of my despair. But I don't take that into OTHER PEOPLE'S MENTIONS
Those are days where video games Just Kinda Happen in the evening
Doomers are the shoeshine boys of the ruling class.
YES thank you I am also trying really hard to not be a complete shambling wreck over here
A tweet from 10ish years ago has always stuck with me: "Facebook is where people I know IRL make me feel worse about he world, and Twitter is where people I don't know IRL make me feel better about the world." And wheewww. More of THAT please. Keep fighting. ✊
hell yea doomerism is deliberate quicksand
Here for support, as someone who has fought (not always actively) depression. It's a sneaky, insinuating beast, that tries to convince you it is inetivable. But look, Thanos got that wrong, too.
Sometimes stacking up lots of small wins is how you get the big win. You look back one day, and there you are.
It’s exactly how the right managed to get Roe overturned, and I am dead serious.
They kept at it doggedly for 50 years. The left is pissy because Biden hasn't fixed everything yet.
Incrementalism is a facet, not the whole. Small wins matter, but so do large-scale, audacious systemic pushes.
The tendency to think that if someone is in favor of one thing, that they must, of necessity, be blind to the value of other things seems to be the default assumption on social media.
Reading this skeet on its own before knowing the context was a nice self-confidence/seretonin boost, but then opening the full thread and seeing it's specifically about DeSantis's BS getting blocked made it even better.
This exactly. The idea that everything is permanently, irretrievably screwed up is strongly linked with the belief that we have no control, that there's a secret cabal ruling us. Neither is true, and both serve primarily to excuse apathy. Wins make us hungry for more wins.
I hold tight to the words of Samwise Gamgee:
Yes! Thank you for this reminder. Sometimes I think people get into a feedback loop of not wanting to be complacent or naive, and so celebrating a small win or a partial victory feels like you’re a sucker. But you’re not. Wins make the larger fight feel worth it!
Yes, celebrate small wins. It’s absolutely essential. Keep up the good fight.
A fair point I needed to hear right now, thank you.
Parting words with a good friend tonight, we were calling across the hood of my car and the sidewalk with, "Small wins! Achievable goals!" because that's where we're at now
It'll head for the 11th Circuit, so the victory may be short lived.
Please listen to me very carefully right now: Learn to take and celebrate small short wins, to build momentum and morale, or you and everyone you need to fight beside you will be burned out, demoralized, and demotivated before the next big opportunity comes along.
It's like Emma Goldman said: "If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution." We take our moments of Joy where we can find them and keep fighting. Thanks for that reminder, Damien.
This reminds me that I once gave a talk, in 2009 I think, that was counter-programming for that year's Singularity Summit. The title of my talk: "If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your Singularity."
YES. And, to take breaks I'm fully in the caregiver/MH management/pain management burnout quicksand. Prevention looks like boundaries and assiduous self-care, I'm seeing. Hindsight and all
I'd like to read he's behind bars