
POSTAL BANKING is a great idea and it leads me to my other great idea: FEDERAL SANDWICH. Guaranteed access to a sandwich to anyone who wants one at ANY US Federal Govt facility. Let me explain. No, there is too much, let me sum up:
Postal banking FTW!
There should be a refrigerator full of sandwiches at every publicly accessible Federal facility. This includes post offices, military recruiting centers, IRS offices, WHATEVER. The sandwiches are not very good, but, & this is KEY, they are absolutely FREE to anyone who wants one no questions asked
The sandwiches will contain, at a minimum, two slices of bread, one slice of american cheese and one slice of deli meat. A pickle spear will be provided upon request. Condiment packets will be available on request.
You can have as many as you want, but you gotta finish the sandwich you have before you ask for another one, and if there's a line you have to get back in line.
This will create additional jobs and give us something to do with the absurd US government cheese surplus.
Oh and maybe you can get a PB&j or something if you're vegan or vegetarian
Obviously this will need to be a constitutional amendment so that Republicans don't try to cut it
no meat, extra cheese for the vegetarians 😌
Sorry, "government cheese surplus"?
What do yo mean “on request”? Anyone who doesn’t want a pickle is a communist. (Alternatively, make the pickle included and then I can just have the ones that people don’t want!)
My only note is the sandwiches can and should be good! The cost difference between a sad sandwich and a good one is not large
They are not BAD, just, meh. The bread is plain white, the cheese is government cheese, the meat is processed, the pickles are the cheap kind
Okay, okay you're cooking and I like it. I'd add a gluten free option, but I like it.
And who will be performing health inspections at all of these federal facilities suddenly bootstrapped into being cafeterias?
Employees of the Department of Sandwich
In Sweden we are coffee addicts and as such we have this but for coffee (the free coffee is absolutely garbage, but hey, it's free) this is key to a better society. I think the federal sandwich would be an excellent addition 10/10 suggestion.
Oh my God I'm so happy to learn that! This is just an idea I came up with and was pretty sure it was crazy, but I'm really glad to learn that Sweden is doing something similar in principle!
The free coffee coverage has been getting worse over the last 10 years which I see as a clear sign of a worse society. AA figured out that having free shitty coffee and stale cookies is KEY to having people getting there.
It's always these little things that signal bigger problems!
In Havana, 1962, it was a shortage of shoelaces that signaled the beginning of the disastrous US embargo.
Can w add federal coffee to federal sandwich? Sometimes I just need a coffee.
Something else I just learned we can do that we won't is all Federal Agencies are immune from local building codes, so the USPS could build multi use high density apt buildings for low income ppl as long as there's a post office on the property
Postal banking, postal sandwiches, and postal housing, might as well have a clothes bank there too LFG
This is a heartbreaking work of staggering genius. The people demand their federal sandwiches.
Please spread the message, comrade. This must be a grassroots movement. Our voices must be heard please this might look like a shitpost but it is a serious proposal
My Hasty back of the envelope math suggests that implementing this plan would cost, including administration and logistics, perhaps 1 billion dollars per year
That could partially be offset by the taxes of the people you'd hire to make and deliver the sandwiches, plus stimulating the local economy because a certain number of people will want to buy chips, fruit, etc. to accompany their sandwich.
This is an excellent insight
Additionally, we could just abolish the DHS
So basically $3 per American. Rounding error on my taxes. We need federal sandwiches now!
I bet you could do it for 500 million. If 35% the population has a sandwich maybe three times a year, you could, if the price of the sandwich was under $2. Imagine the smiles and good vibes. Also follow Sweden and have coffee available too. Once the infrastructure is there the overhead would be nil
Two additions, sandwiches should have lettuce, and whole wheat bread should be easily available. And dietary issues preventing access to government sandwiches should be compensated by whatever the equivalent food stamp value is set (and has annual food-only inflation correction).
This is fucking genius and we are absolutely behind it
very important to include the sandwich plank otherwise your himbo cred might be tarnished
😃 Federal sandwich is the new taco trucks on every corner!
tacos are a valid sandwhich offering
As a Canadian, this is pretty much exactly my image of the true america. Something that's not very good, done as cheaply as possible, but it's for everyone equally. The bare minimum so that every american gets something, even if it sucks. It's not socialism, it's egalitarianism.
Actually come to think of it, Spider Robinson's Callahan's Crosstime Saloon series had the same sort of idea - the Free Lunch, a plate of sandwiches on the bar free for anyone who needs one. You're onto something here!
As a sandwich lover, I am 100 percent behind this. Please let me know how I can join your sandwich party.
Please just spread the message. I do not need credit or clout I just want everyone to have a sandwich who wants one
If the movement deems it appropriate though, I will humbly accept the post of federal sandwich czar
Top-tier sandwich take. Thank you for putting this into the minds of the people. 🫡