
The pro-Israel lobbying aside it is a little weird that Biden, Jeffries etc. are okay with an organization that gives tens of millions of dollars to Republicans who helped Trump attempt a putsch being involved in Democratic primaries.
Or just, the progressives are the most reliable voting bloc for Schumer and Jeffries and Biden! They're always team players, unlike the centrists! But always the first under the bus.
Yes I know, I'm not saying they ought to "stop" them but rather both are quite friendly with AIPAC and Jeffries just a few months ago went on a tour of Israel that was sponsored by them. It's odd that their relationship to the insurrectionist wing of the GOP does not give them pause.
But to Jeffries credit he has not exactly gone as far as endorsing against incumbents that AIPAC wants out, in fact the opposite thankfully, so it's more so jus that nobody in leadership seems willing to push back or move towards J-Street.
Right, but they could discourage members from working with them or taking their money. Democratic leadership could blackball consultants that take money from AIPAC and related PACs of they challenge an incumbent Dem. This regularly happens with progressive challengers.
it's so weird. sometimes i think that the only way americans understand power is through bullying. the test of strength seems to be whether an organization is willing to use massive resources for the sake of cruelty: then you know you have to support them or make nice.
I think they live in a bubble where the influence of AIPAC - beyond its direct money - is exaggerated and it intimidates them
More so just seems like they share AIPAC's politics
To an extent, sure, but there are plenty of D-friendly/D-branded Zionist lobbying groups like Democratic Majority for Israel that would give them their desired result on Israel shit without the "they also back insurrectionists" baggage
I think this is overdetermined and should DMI become that org for Dems, then a bunch of conservative money would start to flow through DMI.
Oh yeah, absolutely. I mean, honestly, it's kind of strange to me NOW that they don't use DMI rather than AIPAC
I've never seen a political party with less self preservation instincts than the mainstream democratic party
If you understand the purpose of the democratic party then there is no inconsistency
I don't think there's a singular purpose to something as amorphous as the Democratic Party
People like to say the party is controlled opposition or one wing of a two-winged capitalist superstructure but really I think that party system in the US is just very weak and therefore there are a dozen competing blocs within what we call "the Democratic Party".
Every political party in any democracy has 1, and only 1, purpose or raison d’être: win elections. Period. Everything else comes second, third, N+1, after that raison d’être.
Diffusing and squashing social movements has been their jam my entire life. The purpose of a system is what it does.
Thank you notorious democrat Anthony Kennedy
james buchanan-ass party leadership