wild and reckless heart (Chris' version)

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wild and reckless heart (Chris' version)


i'm a ram and a goat. come for me bro, i dare you. she/they
I bet dinosaurs did funny stuff all the time and it bums me out that we'll never get to see a t-rex get the zoomies after a big poop.
life's hard, have a peanut pic ☀️
never have I ever been so greatful to not be a scheduler anymore. or to even be primarily patient-facing
i would like to thank the global IT meltdown for not screwing up with my grocery order/delivery! small victories
i have no idea if this is related to what's going on elsewhere, but the hospital software is down, so i simply cannot do anything, oh darn
i feel like the only person on earth that doesn't give a flaming shit about david bau tista and it sucks :(
waiting until 1.30 to get lunch because I'm sure my did will be in the echo lab and I won't have to worry about running into her (i screwed up scheduling an important research meeting and I really hate it)
if you are in Milwaukee and you are gay and on grindr you have the opportunity to change this country forever
i know grindr has to be going CRAZY in Milwaukee right now
today is, apparently, all water all the time day. first dad calls to tell me he had water in the basement thanks to a storm and power outage last night. now the firemens are here for a fire alarm on the 2nd floor. they have the hose hooked up and everything!!
Daily bunny no.2551 is standing in the lava!
If your version of revolution doesn’t look like people trying to care for each other in some fashion, you’re probably not ending capitalism.
i'm so used to "accidentally" napping away my weekends that i can't believe it's not even 3PM on a Saturday and I'm still going strong. who am i???
friends, i am ECSTATIC to announce that I can finally swallow with no pain. still dealing with an absurd amount of mucus, but god, swallowing with no pain is transcendent.
If elected President, I promise "My Pet Really Needs Me Today" will be a legal excuse for not coming into work. These will be unlimited paid days off and non-negotiable for any employer.
getting take out for dinner tonight because i actually want to and not because i'm desperate to not cook for myself. had a hard time deciding what to get, but eventually settled on mexican. tacos and queso and beans, oh my! (also some meat and veggies in there too, probs)
sometimes, I am a genius Wordle 1,119 4/6 ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
i need to stop crying every time someone at work is kind to and patient with me re: my fmla-induced delayed work. it's just that their compassion makes others' lack all that more painful
i have a 9AM meeting with one of my docs and i am nooooot looking forward to it. there is one thing i've been objectively and subjectively failing at for him and my only excuse is because "i'm exhausted[the short version]"
in a totally unrelated tweet, someone please give me ideas on how to explain to dad why his gushing over the pretty, young realtor is bad. all i can come up with is, "because it's gross!" i'm not worried he'd say anything to her, but it just... idk, idk.
was able to cross off two things off the never-ending dad-related to do list: 1. FINALLY set up an online account to work with mom's federal 401(k). leave it to the gummint to (a) take for-fucking-ever for things and (b) require edge for optimal website function 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
If astrology isn’t real how do you explain the fact that people have certain habits and behaviors
I would like to wake up, even just occasionally, without a crushing sense of impending doom.
i am nauseous and don't know why. bleh. (it's probs heat-related) (and life-related)
anyway here’s a baby raccoon sleeping in a hammock
my current will to live is dangerously fragile, ngl
forgot to nap earlier, so now it's 4:25 and i've been awake for 12 straight hours. oy.