
What a fuckin hellhole
Remember when you used to go to Twitter for news and you’d actually get news?
Do these Geniuses somehow think that a ship registered to Sri Lanka would be manned by white guys for some reason? And the only reason why they had an Indian crew was Dei or something?
My son Braeden wasn’t even invited to pilot that ship from southeast asia, he has a 3.1 GPA he deserves it
My son heard about it, bowed his head and said “bridgekanda forever”
The captain of the boat was prevented from turning because the rest of the crew kept on snapping their fingers in protest over the captain saying he once visited Chick-fil-a.
My Kaelynnnn was 188th place to become captain of the ship. But then a woke person showed up and took 187th place. Clearly my little one had her job stolen from her.
Crew got confused because you have to call a ship they instead of she because of woke
This far into a shipping channel approaching a port, the boat was likely piloted by a local expert pilot. They are going to be devastated when it turns out that is was Frank Sobotka’s cousin that crashed the ship. Though it will be an opportunity for transvestigators.
You are heading in the wrong direction with the word „think“, I‘m afraid
“It should have been registered to British Ceylon!”
it's because of woke we even have ships from south east asia here we should only trade with ourselves >:(