
branding steaks is something incredibly embarrassing transplants to texas who move there thinking it's conservative disney world do
This is a real thing and there's a nonzero chance we're gonna find out Elon told someone they could either be branded or get fired in one of the many memoirs that will be written about his reign
Imagine thinking you're hot shit for grilling a fucking steak lol
In no way am I saying it’s worth the money, it would still be stupid, but I kind of like the idea of branding steaks to make it easier to tell who gets what. If it’s a hot day and I’ve had a beer or two it would make it easier to remember which steak is getting cooked medium well or whatever.
Unless there are only 2 ppl i wouldn't work. It's a single brand that doesn't change, they all get it or they don't. Worked at a steakhouse in college, they put little wooden tags (basically fancy flat toothpicks) in the steaks for the different requests.
Oh I’m talking like, multiple brands. It’s stupid it’s not a real idea lol. But I understand the urge to brand a steak even though I understand it’s nonsense.