
I don’t even understand RFK’s theory of his case at this point
The President of the Untied States should take sides on 9/11. Foreign terrorists killing nearly 3,000 Americans is one of those things an American leader should take sides on.
A conspiracy theory of what? The buildings didn’t fall? Planes didn’t hit them? There were no Saudis flying them? What’s the conspiracy that can even begin to be regarded as might have happened?
You kind of give the game away when you say “I’m not sure which conspiracy to believe”. I’m not sure which leprechaun from my dreams is the believable one. I’m not sure whether to believe in unicorns or in dragons.
A tapeworm ate half his brain. Booze killed much of the rest.
the side he's on is whichever side he thinks will get him the most votes/attention/possibly campaign contributions
I mean dude literally has a brain worm so probably not.
I, regretfully, can read it as "The government's keeping secrets from you about 9/11 and, if elected, I'll release that information to you without placing interests of national security ahead of you, Bob, knowing the Truth!(tm)."