
The President of the Untied States should take sides on 9/11. Foreign terrorists killing nearly 3,000 Americans is one of those things an American leader should take sides on.
In a nation of 330 million you're bound to produce a few kooks. What amazes (and disgusts) me more is how many people look at him and say, yeah, that's my guy.
Yeah, odds are we should have at least a few. And one of the more likely paths appears to be Rich and Famous from a Young Age.
I’m prepare to allow for several % (ie millions) of kooks. But how does this guy 10-15% popular support?
The secret is that he doesn't, really.
Sure the final result might be lower. But apparently if you call people on the phone 10-15% of the people you reach say they would support this guy. That’s nonsensical.
Consider who might actually answer a call from strangers nowadays
Survey methods. Choose from the following: - Guy you dislike - The other guy you dislike - rando named Kennedy 15% sounds about right
I would say that about 1/3 of the US adult population is beyond help and completely irredeemable.
I want to be able to rebut that, but I keep getting confronted with evidence in favor of that argument.
Please know that I take zero pleasure in making that statement. It's just that all signs point to yes.
Same reason Tiger King had some support when he ran for office in Texas. It's an LOL vote from people who think it doesn't matter.
And I was speaking to my Stepmom last week(!), normie Republican, she didn't even know he was running. She was excited she had a choice other than DJT & Biden. I talked her down.
I want a different choice as well. I can write in any candidate I like. I’m not going to write in ‘Popeye’.
I don’t understand how 10-15% of people over the age of 8 can believe it doesn’t matter.
The fact my Mom (who regularly watches local news in AZ) and lightly reads the local paper, hadn't heard he was running is scary. Fact that she thought he might be a Kennedy meant he was normal was worse. She can't be the only one.
“…or any of the other debates” is kind of burying the lede. He’s describing a man without his own mind. Afraid to make a definitive call on anything lest it upset his delicate coalition of steroid abusers, ufo abductees and anti science fanatics.
Wait, have we moved on from the nanny sexual assault? I don’t know if y’all have heard but Joe is old
My estimation of Cheryl Hines continues to sink.
Look he's an open conspiracy theorist on hundreds of topics. What do you expect? He hangs out with 9/11 truthers.
He is acting in line with my very low expectations
Look, he SAID he wouldn’t eat a person. I don’t know what you people want.
I don't want a president who eats people, that's true.
Of the three major US presidential candidates, only one has been willing to go on the record to disavow eating people. Makes you wonder what the other two are hiding.
if he eats people, orders others to eat people, or advocates eating of people, in his official capacity, we can't really enquire into that, right?
Exactly! Just as our Original Founders intended.
Oh come on! We need strong leadership unafraid to make bold choices! What are you, some kind of woke pansy? STRENGTh, dammit!
I hate that this made me laugh out loud. Also, I have been exposed to so much of his writing I immediately went "*Did you eat a person?? Dear God man!*" at high volume when that happened.
He is in my conspiracy research at and my God he makes me crazy. Of all the sources I'm using in this, his are the least coherent and most brain-bending to read.
Does he mean the aftermath? That dead brain-worm was the last thing in his head that could think.
He means Saudi Arabia was really behind it and everyone knows that but successive US governments have been covering up for it because sensitivities.
A few Saudi Arabians were behind it, but attacking the United States is not a policy of the Saudi Arabian government.
Leadership is taking sides. Good leadership takes the right side. Effective leadership ensures people know it is the right side.
He knows that his base is conspiracy theorists and kooks. Someone needs to get him on camera to confirm whether or not the earth is flat.
Look that dog had it coming but blaming Al Qaida? That's taking it too far
What does he think the debate topics were?
On this specifically: did al Qaeda do 9/11 or was it the US government? Other debates he's into include "vaccines don't really work, do they?" and "was COVID secretly engineered by the Jews?" (I am, unfortunately, not kidding.)
I'm curious what other things he thinks are "debates". Evolution? Heliocentrism? Democracy?
The only surprise about this response is that there was a conspiracy theory he didn't dive head first into promoting.
Only RFK advisor who doesn't spend Friday mornings in a room full of crystals: Listen, we really have to do something about this dog-eating thing. It's bad. RFK: Don't worry, I have it covered.
This is pretty insane stuff, even for RFK Jr.
Truly bizarre thinking. What *are* the “sides” to 9/11, other than America and al-Qaeda (and its Saudi Family backers)? I wish that was the follow up.
I promise that if elected I will take the side against the united states. I'll wage a war to defeat the United States global empire, thus doing what bin laden could never do.