
You can have concerns about Biden's age, but still be absolutely appalled about editorial choices that convey the issue as more important than the Supreme Court offering a pre-emptive thumbs up to a criminal presidency
I have been saying since February that major media are 100% devoted to But Her Emails 2, but I didnt imagine it would get this bad. The day after SCOTUS stops the law applying to Trump, we have to scroll thru 4 fucking top stories on “Biden old” & an ad before getting to anything on SCOTUS decision
*its the same picture gif*
"I call this piece, 'The Liberal New York Times'"
I am reminded that the RW media posited Hillary was on death's door throughout the final months of the 2016 campaign.
And she's still healthier than Trump 8 years later.
Ugh, I’d almost forgotten that stupidity Certain media outlets are just replaying all the old hits this year, aren’t they
It's such an insanely lazy article, with basically "he sometimes took a second to remember some guy's name after getting of a plane" or "he said Italy when he meant France" as these big reveals. By comparison, the part where he stood up to BiBi is sort of glossed over.
Also, they buried this little nugget right in the middle.
The good news is that the NYT only has power because normies and liberals respect it. It’s our job to spread the gospel of “the NYT is trash.”
They should truly be ashamed of themselves.
They have no shame. This is a choice and they have made it the way they want it.
It's like I'm seeing double here. 4 NYT front pages full of bullshit.
This feels like a precipice of a big break up between a lot of legacy news media institutions, typified by the NYT, and many Dems/libs. Like, I have seen a tremendous amount of pretty justified anger at their coverage choices over the past week that I dont think will be going away any time soon.
They are so mad about the lack of access in his administration, and they are ready and willing to sink American democracy because Colin fucking Jost called them Wordle at the Correspondent’s Dinner.
A paper that's for good for nothing but electing a fucking felon.
It's not the 1970s anymore, and I think we as a society need to stop trying to understand and start trying to end the New York Times' effect on man.
At this point, I wouldn't use the Times to paper a birdcage.
Birds deserve better than that.
I just saw a thing on NBC talking about this and making mention of Hunter Biden coming to meet with him as if it was some sub-scandal. How incredibly unusual for a father and son to talk about a major life decision!
The media is doing a terrible job. They’re complicit in touting Trumps lies
The interesting thing about Biden‘s age is that he’s in better shape than Donald Trump, who’s 78! Donald Trump was a terrible President and Biden is doing an excellent job as President right now. I suppose a reason to vote for Trump is if you want a leader with 34 felonies who’s guilty of rape.
pre-emptive for what comes next while simultaneously giving a thumbs to what prosecution is happening now and is (was) yet to happen for crimes already committed
The New York Times: “After his disastrous debate performance it is of utmost importance the bumbling, senescent old President drop out of the race for the good of the country” The voters:
All is not lost. Don’t act like all is lost.
Historian classmate shared the below earlier today to express her disgust at how poorly the NYT has handled editorial choices in recent days. Today was clearly the tipping point. We've both subscribed for more than four decades, and today she called it quits:
As long as this is the Biden camp’s response to SCOTUS going completely rogue, the “Joe is too old” stuff will stay at the top. The campaign has the power to make headlines and shape the narrative with bold actions and positions on major issues. They won’t do it.
But we need constant updates so we don't forget he's old. Like, is he even older now? We (apparently) clamor to know.
Right now, he is the oldest he has *ever* been!
As bad as the first Trump admin was, the second won’t tell him no at all.
They *know* the Supreme Court decision is more important. They’re in what’s called let’s save our own asses mode. It’s what obey in advance looks like.
This terrifies me. What the hell, NYT!
Unless you’re at CNN, apparently