
I have been saying since February that major media are 100% devoted to But Her Emails 2, but I didnt imagine it would get this bad. The day after SCOTUS stops the law applying to Trump, we have to scroll thru 4 fucking top stories on “Biden old” & an ad before getting to anything on SCOTUS decision
The idea that these are the top stories when the Supreme Court blew up the constitution yesterday makes me want to scream and cry forever.
I made someone mad the other week by saying I hold journalists in the same regard as used car salesmen- some are honest, some are shit, and they are all just trying to move product. I think they owe me an apology now
On the app now it’s SIX stories about Biden’s “lapses” & an ad before an article about the SC… with the subheading “Chief Justice Robert’s reasserted his authority…” ?!?
I’d hate-love to hear the editors justify this approach. It’s cursed.
Their shareholders are GOP donors.
The media should preface each article about the Supreme Court has been accepting bribes since scalia was found dead at a ranch owned by a plaintiff before the court.
At least the director of the FBI can't investigate whether he's old
Stop reading NYT and the other sycophants.
the new york times is so much worse than useless
do you think the diminished capacity we could all see with our own eyes is equally trivial as using one's own blackberry
No the point is not that those are equally trivial but that media are once again ceaselessly covering the Democratic candidate’s problem disproportionately much more than the much more severe problems with the Republican candidate
there's nothing left to do about the republican candidate, though. what to do with the dem candidate is a story because immediately after the debate party ops were on TV looking terrified. I cant remember the last time a post-debate spin was "our guy lost" and there is still time to do something
republicans arent interested in replacing their candidate because a: theyre running against someone in biden's condition and b: trump achieves their objectives
One thing left to do about the Republican candidate is inform the public about how the Supreme Court just promised he can do anything if he’s president and how that might lead to things happening that are quite bad
thats kind of in line with the usual NYT and broader media trash tendency to dedicate all their coverage to horse race shit when its election year. It aint great but the biden situation is not the whole cloth fabrication of a non-issue that a lot of things they roll are
“It’s similar to bad things that often happen” does not show that it is just fine
Do people understand what we risk w/ Biden is him dragging down Senate & House candidates too? That we could be looking Trumpist control of all 3 branches? Biden & his defenders unable to show anything for it except the situation getting worse and worse.
You get SCOTUS & Felonies ... Everybody get SCOTUS & To show how scary TikTok ban months before US election: 4 Weeks ago, satire video by Jennifer Koonings CODEPINK Alert CODEPINK’s Newsletter , mimicking complicit genocide [in GAZA PALESTINE] by every ...