
To review, the former president spent the first day of evidence on his criminal trial encouraging his supporters to protest outside the courthouse, encouraging the NYPD to abandon said courthouse, and claiming that neither he nor any police officers should ever be subject to criminal prosecution
But I'm sure this is all fine and there's no reason to be concerned. Did I mention that he's currently running for a second term?
Oh right, one other thing. He's also awaiting trial on criminal charges for when he dispatched a violent mob to prevent Congress from certifying the results in an election he lost. But come on, that was obviously totally different and not a big deal
Okay, but, hear me out: college students.
well children aren't going to learn to obey authority by themselves!
I have a withering glare. But there must be something stronger we can do to ensure that John Roberts and the entire Court is shamed forever for its historically poor decision to allow him to escape judgement for this.
[Sarcasm alert] Requiring Chief Justice Roberts to umpire the annual Dems v. GOP Congressional baseball game is not sufficient. [End sarcasm alert] I often talk about "process as punishment." SCOTUS's cert grant was "process as stay out of jail free card, until after election".
If your maximum sentence is 1 year and you know it'll take 18 months to get to trial, unaffordable bail is a process decision that makes the actual outcome moot. It might be the same for letting Trump delay past the election.
I suppose we could have a discussion about whether incarceration is punishment, justice or neither. And therefore not the same. But I agree with you too strongly to start that here.
You aren’t allowed to conflate the two because that would be double jeopardy and that is illegal
But it’s not like Republicans are just accepting his candidacy. Or lying down without a fight. Or strongly endorsing him. Or giving him boat loads of money. And it’s not like he’s leading in the polls. Or that the National press thinks the two sides are the same.
He wasn’t calling for a bloodbath; he was calling for a bath to clean his dirty blood that has been poisoned by immigrants. You Libz have been so warped by TDS.
Wouldn't he rather clean his blood with bleach, or maybe strong light?
I'm sure things will only get better as time goes on.
He's clearly learned his lesson.
That tracks with today's GOP.