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Depends on the day, today an artist , tomorrow a writer , next week abducted by aliens
I fired 5 of the leaf jewelry pieces yesterday. 3 turned out great. 2 I will refire them after I fix them. Pictures with flash and without
I think 80% of people do this 80% of the time. I just think the 20% are really really freaking loud. This comes after a discussion about people who don't believe in allergies, trying to provoke allergic reactions in people with severe allergies. I want to believe in people, some just make hard.
Yes and my point was this is a common problem everywhere so I was just making them aware that it's not just the US or canada
Tanzanite and moonstone bracelet that I finished for commission. I wish the blue flash and the moonstone showed more but I'm not the best photographer for up close jewelry pictures, ironically. I did custom match all the moonstone in tanzanite pieces
Yes but it's the same problem with every country. We all like to act like the US immigration system is somehow a problem but it's the same problem across the world. Moving generally it's just a different set of problems in a new place
That difference from the US how? You realize it can take years to get a work permit in the US right?
When the lid is so clear on on your bead container where you're putting a new beads away in .... You end up with little purple hearts everywhere. I feel like there's a metaphor in there somewhere #beads
I had a friend asked me to do a similar leaf pieces as I did for my business partner. I was out of this base so I had to order more and they only came in a set of 10 this time. Which one's unique. should I do an Autumn version? #jewelry
Thank you I hadn't had time to look it up since I saw your post and I figured asking you for a source might be quicker. The whole thing is just crazy. I've been explaining to people that kidnapping is not the main source of trafficking but runaways are. They literally cannot grasp this fact
I was reading that one of the most effective voting thing is people taking their 18 year child old to vote for the first time. I cannot find that study anymore have you guys seen this?
Can you set your source for this one because I keep seeing it and not having an official source makes it hard to counter. I have been working on fighting some of the mis information around kidnappings and abductions in the US. It's crazy how misrepresented the numbers are.
Sorry I'm really excited about this because I live in an area where the library closes at 6:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturdays. That means if you work at all like a normal 9-5 schedule you can't even get to the library
Color me not shocked. Funniest moment is when I ran into one of his sons putting up petitions to fight his tax on food in the state. I worked with one of the other sons at one point.
Yeah I wondered where he went after he got out of being an advisor for Trump
It is actually biblical lore that if you ask the devil a question he can't lie. And I agree. The whole random biblical knowledge just made that funnier
At all I really I read that as dalek.. dyslexia really makes my life amusing sometimes
Somebody please tell him that our Republic is still a democracy. The fact that there are different types of democracy seems to be something he can't stomach.
Was that Herbert... The man is an elitist ass. Surprised he cared.
It's funny how the population comes from sex but the worst word that one can use is porn...
No because Satan can't actually lie, one of those weird rules. I can never see the GOP electing someone who can't lie
They used him as a puppet to gut everything while he also had one of the highest on employment rates other than the Great depression. In fact most of his tax cuts led to that
Except the rights already exist. The law covering this already exist. The problem we have is that our regulatory institutions are not enforcing them, nor are they going after these corporations. That is where we actually need to put the pressure
exactly, copyright already exists, the laws framing licensing already exist, what we actually need to do is start putting pressure on a regulatory systems to actually start investigating copyright infringement. Not make agreements that the reward the infringement
So we took Adobe off of one of our computers after canceling. It freed up 50 gigs of memory..
Yeah she actually I think is on the Apple Play store with a vocal version of her letter and then she does the letter on Facebook as well. She does actual news recap daily in it . I think you can also sign up for the email of it