
I wrote to the Tractor Supply board today. Here is what I sent. Even if you've only ever bought one thing there, I encourage you to write, as a customer.
Fuck. This one's going to sting, but add another company to our boycott list.
When you inevitably find typos, please do not tell me. Typos are my brand.
Also, if you would like to write a less measured letter than mine, please feel free to use these zingers I came up with: You decided to pander to the guys who buy the doe urine to wear as cologne. You caved to the guys who were buying ivermectin to fight COVID.
You rolled over for the guys who buy one $10 bar of Duke Cannon soap a year and never wash their legs with it. You're pandering to the guys who make it necessary that you lock up the shock collars, so that they don't test it on themselves in store.
"As a shareholder, I am fundamentally opposed to this rebrand of Tractor Supply to Suburban Outfitters."
Unfortunately, that's really what they're doing. TS has realized that their market isn't rural staples but lifestyle branding for dudes who buy a Ram 2500 to pull their SeaDoos.
TFW you realize your whole demographic is cosplayers
The specter of mid-90's The North Face rises from the mist, wrapped in chains: "I can happen to *you*!"