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Stuck in the Midwest. Trans. #CFC #PTFC #FMFC #Critter #BLM, bookworm, cat dad x3, dice dragon, queer cryptid. Trans Lives Matter, Abolish ICE. Owner of Caledonian Braves. He/They
Reposted byAvatar Alec
Reposted byAvatar Alec
Reposted byAvatar Alec
I am not wading into the main discussion, because I am tired, but I love how every time there's a "all books should be free, authors are ethereal creatures who don't need money to live" assertion, it concludes with "but of course, we should pay indie authors."
I only know what was replayed time via text while I was at a football match. I don’t want to know more. I’m not going to go looking for more information.
Reposted byAvatar Alec
It's too bad this country went insane about masks, seems like they can be useful
Reposted byAvatar Alec
Hey wow as someone with a stutter y’all are not kind At all Do you know what happens when you have the kind of stutter where you swap words? Your brain makes an association in a split second and you go “no, not that”, especially when nervous, and it just blorts out of your mouth.
I love that my vet sends personalised emails to the cats on their birthdays.
Holy crap! England are through to the Euro 2024 final. Cole Palmer continuing his terrific form from this season by providing the game winning assist to Ollie Watkins. Congrats to the guys for fighting back after going down a goal early. I don't think they stand a chance against Spain in the final.
Reposted byAvatar Alec
Launched a new Kitty Clacks Kickstarter last night, and just about funded. We’re at with Salem, Hazel, and Lucipurr. 🐈
Reposted byAvatar Alec
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has introduced impeachment articles against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito
I'm not diagnosed with either of the As (though I have confirmation from 2 psychologists that I do have ADHD), and this is me. It's highly frustrating both for me and for anyone I'm with and frequently leads to me skipping meals entirely.
Actually me right now 😭 #AuDHD #ADHD #NEISvoid #actuallyautistic
When you rephrase your search a dozen times trying to get a useful result. Context: I need to figure out how to code something in PowerApps and that's sometimes hard to articulate in a useful manner for search engines.
Reposted byAvatar Alec
I ordered several pendants from and the last arrived today (it had a little adventure - it didn't want to leave his shop 😅). I ordered each one with a friend in mind, so now it's my turn to ship them to their eventual homes as gifts. Pics when I'm not spoiling the surprise.
Gotta love it when you're trying to catch up on labelling all your dice sets and discovered you put 4 sets away without adding them to your spreadsheet so you didn't print labels for them. #DiceGoblinProblems #DiceDragonProblems
Sharing for the late night crowd, because Isabeau is adorable and more people need to look at her committing crimes.
I present to you, a criminal. (But I’m not on the counter!)
I present to you, a criminal. (But I’m not on the counter!)
Me: Oh, customised forms on SharePoint are probably a lot easier than building a PowerApp from scratch. Microsoft: *evil villain laughter* This thing is trash. I hate it. If I can't drag and drop stuff to make this thing visually pleasing, I don't know how they can say it's customisable.
Happy Mantis Day to Seanan and Seanan only. (Until she shares the bounty with the yards of her friends, then it's Happy Mantis Day to them.)
All the remaining mantis egg sacs have hatched at once. ALL. OF. THEM. I have 600+ baby mantises and counting.
Reposted byAvatar Alec
good morning, queers on this twenty-third day of Pride remember to take time for yourself step away from social media if you have to read a book, play video games, take a shower, trim your toenails whatever you need i love you
Reposted byAvatar Alec
Good morning Saturday! Up early & finishing up this run of reclaimed mirror rough cut coasters. All these need are the silicone feet for the back & they're finished! Got another 5 sets in the works. Also, don't do an Amazon search for "silicone feet" Search "coaster feet" 😬
We remain undefeated! A huge 3 points to take us up to second in the table, even on points with the league leaders and we’ve got a game in hand. Nothing like scoring at the death to make it 2-0.
Hot, muggy, and overcast. Perfect weather for a weeknight football match? We’ll see at the end of 90 minutes. 😅 Let’s see if we can keep our undefeated streak going against the team just above us in the table (even on points). 3 points would be huge right now. #ForwardMadisonFC #FMFC #FullMingo
Hot, muggy, and overcast. Perfect weather for a weeknight football match? We’ll see at the end of 90 minutes. 😅 Let’s see if we can keep our undefeated streak going against the team just above us in the table (even on points). 3 points would be huge right now. #ForwardMadisonFC #FMFC #FullMingo
Reposted byAvatar Alec
This didn’t just attack me, it came to my house and murdered me
Reposted byAvatar Alec
Motherfuckers don't need to run their goddamn cryptomining rigs all day and we sure as fuck don't need ChatGPT horseshit being ran all day but I don't see anybody crawling up their ass about power usage ...
Interesting article to run prior to a weekend where we expect a devastating heat wave and label it as “climate solutions”
Reposted byAvatar Alec
Why the fuck are they attacking stone henge when Fossil fuel executives have publicly available names and addresses?
Stream is ended for the evening, but it's still worth checking out the Ko-Fi shop.
Still live on Twitch. Gonna be streaming probably for most of the day. Doing some work and playing some games. Come on by and say hi, I will have a link in chat for 40% off everything at my KoFi shop!
Just saw at the Big Gay Market in Madison, WI. Still going until 4pm. Come support some great artists and crafters!
it is 3 weeks and 3 days until you can have your own copy of the FIRST TEST GN in your hands!! available for preorder now wherever you like to get your books 💕