Kris Carter, Esq.

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Kris Carter, Esq.

He/him. Digital Skills Developer, Freelance art, video editing. Maker of some stuff for TFNation. Soundbarrier enthusiast.

Opinions my own, but that's fine, as I don't have any.
Triple Takevoer: A TFNation Invasion! Friday 9th August 2024 Join @SixoTF @ToyboxSoapbox & @Jason_R_Wagner for a special live edition of the @Triple_Takeover Toycast! #Transformers #TFNation #TripleTakeover
TWISTER is such a great movie. The good storm chasers have sensors that are balls, which are round and wholesome, and the bad storm chasers have sensors that are cubes, the most evil shape.
They should just let me do whatever I want.
TFNation 2024 Volunteer Applications now open - please read for details! #TFNation #Transformers
Hey everyone! have given me permission to share something with you all. I've drawn the exclusive prints that Legends Pass holders can expect to recieve when they meet Kat Khavari, Gregg Berger, and/or David Kaye!
Remember, tonight is a TFNation special on the Transformers The Show YouTube Channel - come and hang out with us! Maybe we'll have something to reveal...? #Transformers #TFNation
Merge two films. Groundhog Days Of Thunder
Merge two films. Godzilla vs Ferrari
TFN 2024 Exclusive Merch! Time is running out to make your pre-orders for Bearillium, Caesium Rex and our Tour Shirts! We won't have many at the show, so order today to avoid disappointment! #TFNation #Transformers #Convention #Merch
As further proof of my house-proud-ness, I finally cleaned the front window today after some twat threw an egg at it last year.
Rodimus Prime: *slaps roof of trailer* This bad boy can fit so many fuckin' 5mm holes in it
Finished up a big chunk of a thing today, and I can't tell you quite what it is yet, but it should hopefully be pretty neat.
Elrond: You shall be the Fellowship... of the Ring Merry: Actually we already decided on a name; we're the League of Awesome Superbros Elrond: The League... Merry: Of Awesome Superbros, yes
Well done France! What a week!
Me, looking at the childish trinkets I hang my entire personality off: I'll be 45 years old this year.
tv chef: "your pasta water should taste like the sea" *me taking a shit into a saucepan* "how much is too much?
It's the 40th anniversary of Transformers, and it's long past due we started coming together as fandom. In that spirit as the Ideal Man of TFNation let me start us on that journey. We'll begin with the oldest of divides, and finally settle it. There, the weight is now lifted, let the healing begin.
DOCTOR: You have a fatty liver. Do you know what that means? ME: Yes, you're saying it would make a scrumptious foie gras. DOCTOR: No. I mean yes, probably, but that's not the point.
One of the great bits of drawing characters from behind, is you can maximise the reveal. Who is it? You never know, until they turn around, and then BAM! There's your dramatic narrative, my son, BOSH! Maintain surprise, spring that impact! A master on top of his game, you're welcome
And Penblwydd Hapus iawn to the NHS - 76 today. I hope you get the funding you deserve.
Another day where she's up and about, wobbly, but up and about and eating and drinking (and by extension, pissing on the living room floor, but hey ho). After spending the last few days hiding behind the couch, it's nice to see her a bit more mobile again.
Highly pleased that Wales is Tory-free, but less pleased that Reform had an above-expected showing around here, the shits.
This popped up on a memory feed - Michael Sheen holding the Velindre Cookbook, a cookbook with recipes geared toward cancer patients. He supported the book and provided a foreword. I designed the book and took care of the layout and pre-press, a good project to be involved in!
What you've got to understand about Reform voters is you'll never go poor selling horseshit to fucking idiots.
My solution to the UK broadcasting industry's financial crisis...
Good news! Isis tried coming downstairs while I was making her food! Bad news! She fell down two of them cos she's old, wobbly and neurologically compromised!
ONE IN A MILNE-ION TFNation is thrilled to round out the 2024 guest list with one of the most influential comic book artists in all of #Transformers - Alex Milne! - Alex Milne! #TFNation #MTMTE #Maccadam #Terminator #TFNation #MTMTE #Maccadam #Terminator #Unicron
Go out and vote today! Unless you are voting for the Tories or Reform then stay at home as your turn to vote is next week. 👍