
very much reflective of the lack of any real survival instinct among journalists that they think the big story today is whether biden will step down
“What makes you so confident you should be president?” is an actual question a reporter shouted at the incumbent who just warned about a reckless court decision that imperils democracy
Is it laziness, stupidity or the instincts of a lemming that makes them do that? I just don’t get it. I know smart journalists, they exist, but …
they cannot be convinced that right wingers could be serious when they say over and over and over again that they consider the news media to be their enemies whom they will destroy, ha ha, such loving jibes from our dear beloved conservatives
“They would never do the things they say they want to” after Dobbs and now today’s decision is a completely unhinged position.
I think they think they live in a different realm than the rest of us live.