
Incidentally, when Trump says that student debt forgiveness is "vile," remember that he has declared bankruptcy for his companies six times to get out of paying debt.
Honestly, this is almost the most Republican thing ever: “I will make life much harder on a bunch of Americans in a way that will not benefit any of you in the slightest.”
And Congress made it illegal for you to dispose of your student debt via bankruptcy to protect their loan processor patrons…
Setting aside the predatory business plan that got his own for-profit schools sued out of existence
I assume this means he is filled with self-loathing. Which, you know, is a something I can agree with as I also loathe him.
Almost all fascists are self-loathing fuckwits. Hitler wasn't blond haired or blue eyed. Was rumored to be gay as well. Dunno about how true that last part is, as it's kinda impossible to tell.
I just continue to boggle that Trump says things like this, and a large percentage of the population STILL says, "Yeah, that's my man." Like, are ya'll a bunch of masochists or something? WTF?
Once you realize all they care about is destroying their "enemies," it makes more sense. They've reshaped reality in their minds so everything can be blamed on specific groups. Wipe out those groups, things will magically be better. They can't admit that's a lie, or their whole life falls apart.
Sadist. They're delighted to see people they don't like get hurt.
From the Trump lot I've encountered, their entire ideology is simple. They want to "own the libs." If that means destroying the entire country, they are okay with that. They want to only upset "the libs."
I've heard that side of the party referred to as the "Twitter Faction" before. It's an apt title, I think.
apparently that's the good kind of debt forgiveness, when you didn't actually need the money.
Again, I know his response would be AT BEST word salad, but I’d like a journalist to ask him about this.
That’s business. It’s different. 🙄🤦
As always my Catholic Parish where I grew up.
Joke on him, I've already expatriated
The platform is hypocrisy.
I am convinced that a lot of dumb buggers go into government to get even with teachers who tried to make them THINK.