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pixel miner at a cartoon factory. he/him
Reposted byAvatar francisco
Finally, a single interactive map of the entire world that shows power plants by type and capacity. From Global Energy Monitor, of course. What an amazing resource. What an enormous amount of work must have gone into it. 🔌💡
every picture of JD vance looks like he’s peering over a mechanic’s shoulder as they inspect the engine of a broken down church bus, saying “what’s that, a V5? right on, right on”
Every picture of JD Vance looks like it’s accompanying s news story about a former child actor who got caught in a multi level marketing scam
fucking beautiful. “I recommend we keep opposing them with exactly the same vigor as before. Not because we want a world of violence, but because we want a world without, and because in our opposition we are demonstrating our hopeful and expectant commitment to something better.”
Well I'm given to understand that today & for a VERY limited time, our nation's political violence party is shocked—shocked!—to learn that we currently live in a world of normalized political violence, and would like very much to know who is to blame. Full Essay:
Gambling In Being blamed for a world of political violence by the people who force us to live in it, and are now shocked-shocked!—by it. Navigating the daily trauma of living in a bully's paradise.
Reposted byAvatar francisco
It is also worth noting that "universal" stories appeal to zero people, because no one lives a universal life. The more specific a story is, the more we relate to it even if we have a different life, because we recognize that the story feels real
Just fold the studio into Disney and kill it already. Make Toy Story sequels till the sun fucking burns out. Love how this shift conveniently happened when more woman/POC were really pushing to direct their own stories. Defining their experiences as not "universal" is saying the quiet part aloud.
from behind the walls, can confirm this take
I see that frustrating Bloomberg piece on Pixar is making the rounds again, so to reiterate:
never forget that the entire GOP is rotten, racist, loathes the concept of self-governance, and doesn’t deserve to exist.
There is a Republican on the Wisconsin Elections Commission who bragged about “major reductions” in “overwhelming Black and Hispanic areas.” This was revealed in January 2023. He is still serving!
Reposted byAvatar francisco
imagine getting this kind of opportunity as a writer holy shit
it’s oscar season! this year i’ve seen 26 of the 53 nominees, which means i have 27 to watch. A PIECE OF CAKE.
Reposted byAvatar francisco
Google killing Reader led to the downfall of the internet. That's when it all started to go to shit.
Reposted byAvatar francisco
We can't stop the fascists; it might make the fascists mad.
this is some jedi shit
I cracked the code. Told my boomer dad that having motion smoothing on his TV 'makes it work twice as hard' and will 'wear it out faster' and now hes obsessed with making sure its off.
Reposted byAvatar francisco
Thinking we have a profanity problem when in actuality we have a motherfucker problem.
this is what solidarity can get you!
Hearing word that the studios finally caved and gave the writers what they were asking for (great big solid-gold pencils)
instead of watching the GOP debate last night, i saw OLDBOY on the big screen. and i think i might actually have had the less traumatizing experience?
End of feed.