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Reposted byAvatar drusy
PLEASE please please look at this with me
Reposted byAvatar drusy
No one really wants a better smartphone. They just want their dog to live 50 years. Fucking get with it science
Reposted byAvatar drusy
Reposted byAvatar drusy
Making students homeless and without healthcare the same day, destroying their belongings, banning them from campus, having them arrested for trespassing—this institution has far too much power to do harm to the students for whose safety it’s responsible.
Reposted byAvatar drusy
The most shocking revelations: 1) Google fired employees for simply interacting with the protesters 2) The protesters were put on administrative leave midday so Google could revoke their security badges/access to server, which made it possible to claim they were trespassing.
NEW: My interview with one of the Google workers arrested and fired for protesting their $1.2 billion contract with Israel. www.thehandbasket.co/p/google-wor...
Reposted byAvatar drusy
We are a deeply unserious country when it comes to taxes. We have deductions for yachts and jets but insist anyone under the federal poverty line who made more than $400 owes self-employment taxes if they survived without an employer.
Remember: The real freeloaders in this country are the rich, not the poor. The richest 1% evade $163 billion in taxes every year. The United States literally has a yacht tax deduction. Hello?
Reposted byAvatar drusy
Other children murdered that trans kid because of the shit constantly being poured into their ears and the ears of their parents, peers, caretakers, family members by people like Chaya Raichick and her just-asking-questions liberal counterparts, who give people like her cover.
Reposted byAvatar drusy
It's a diet called 'Universal Healthcare + closely interconnected multigenerational community' lol
Reposted byAvatar drusy
Friends! I am very, VERY excited to announce that today we launched a new show I've been developing with some pals for the last year. It's called Never Post, and it's a podcast about the internet.
Never Postneverpo.st A Podcast About and For the Internet
Reposted byAvatar drusy
Literally my favorite kind of horror is “nothing is ultimately knowable, you cannot trust your own mind, you control nothing in a fundamentally chaotic universe” as the meat in a delicious sandwich of VIBES VIBES VIBES
love me some ambiguity in horror that slippery sideways feeling that leaves you disoriented, not knowing what the core of it is you try and grasp, but something moves around you, inside of you, changing shape it's like spice that flavors the horror
Reposted byAvatar drusy
If you want safer roads, regulate the Megachildkiller 9000s out of existence. Get people off the road by investing in robust public transit, biking, pedestrian-friendly, disability-friendly infrastructure.
If you want people to stop speeding (a huge issue in California as elsewhere) you need to build a road environment that disincentivizes speeding. Calming traffic measures work, but you have to be willing to be aggressive with them. This is an institutional urban design problem.
Reposted byAvatar drusy
If you're in a bad or dark place this holiday season, find a small thing to hang onto. Something you can watch, listen to, or do, without it being too much. Find even the smallest bit of light, the smallest foothold, and that's enough for today, for now. Hold on. Stay. 🕯️
Reposted byAvatar drusy
I consider this one of the most important parables to come out of Twitter’s existence
Reposted byAvatar drusy
This really nails the zeitgeist imo.
Reposted byAvatar drusy
the hyacinth and its lore ⭐
Reposted byAvatar drusy
fat people are hot fat people are hot fat people are hot fat people are hot fat people are hot fat people are hot fat people are hot fat people are hot fat people are hot fat people are hot fat people are hot fat people are hot fat people are hot fat people are hot fat people are hot
Reposted byAvatar drusy
Reposted byAvatar drusy
autumn palette 🐎🍂 #linktober 3: companion #zelda #totk
Reposted byAvatar drusy
Reposted byAvatar drusy
i hope shein gets shut down i hope ai projects get shut down i hope billionaires lose everything i hope public transportation expands fast i am so tired
Reposted byAvatar drusy
Like that disproves anything... being an owl seems like witch behavior to me idk
Have just been sent this story about a witch seen flying in Illinois by the Lind family that turned out the be an owl with a hobby horse. 📷 Eric Lind
Reposted byAvatar drusy
Also maybe consider making transit where fat people can literally fit in the seats!
Them: people who don’t take public transit are a scourge and don’t care about the environment. Us: cool we’d love to take public transit can you add some accessibility and wear masks so we can actually access it and be safe when we get there? Them: LOL no. But you’re still a monster.
Reposted byAvatar drusy
“‘I meant,’ said Ipslore bitterly, ‘what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?’ Death thought about it. CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.” - Terry Pratchett, Sourcery
End of feed.