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Happy birthday to Assata Shakur and Ida B. Wells!
This was originally published by Popmatters (2002) "If June Jordan has been invisible to the mainstream in her death, it was not simply because she was Black, but because she was a Black woman, who chose to be an activist and an intellectual..." www.newblackmaninexile.net/2011/12/be-l...
Be Like June...www.newblackmaninexile.net The Digital Home for Duke University Professor and Left of Black host Mark Anthony Neal
Recent books we've featured, reviewed, or excerpted that invite us to imagine a world without mass incarceration—including selections from Angela Y. Davis, Laura McTighe & Women With a Vision, César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández, Jack Norton, Lydia-Pelot-Hobbs, and Judah Schept. inquest.org#bookshelf
And here's Jane commenting on Twitter about an embroidery I made for a friend out of a quote of mine they liked. I like to remember her this way.
"The core of organizing is raising expectations." - Jane McAlevey
186,000 dead. Just unconscionable destruction of human life in GAZA.
From an editor of the Israel Journal of Health Policy Research: Indirect deaths (starvation, disease, etc) claim 3–15x the lives as direct conflict. A conservative 4x estimate = 186,000 Gazans — about a tenth of the population — dead. Killed by Israel and the US. www.thelancet.com/journals/lan...
Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essentialwww.thelancet.com By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Offi...
We're very saddened to hear about the passing of Jane McAlevey, a true legend in labor organizing. May her memory be a blessing. Her lessons certainly are.
as a manager I strongly recommend taking a Renee Gladman PTO day if one is available to you
came up with a title for this book i'm working on: "city against the city - minorplanning for the future."
Reminder that the Gaza Strip is in total about the size of Baltimore City and getting food aid into there shouldn't require this sort of global military logistics, absent the country that surrounds most of the strip preventing aid from arriving.
Section of US $320 million pier in Gaza broke off and floated onto Israel's Ashdod beach — US army landing craft along with piece of the pier are now both stuck on beach — Another US ship was sent to the rescue and also got beached — US troops seen in footage standing helplessly on the beach
America’s $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beachwww.gulf-insider.com A section of the $320 million floating pier built and erected off Gaza's coast has broken off and floated onto an Israeli beach.
Look what arrived!! I am so excited to read this book by my friend Sarah Jaffe! I've been looking forward to it. Pre-orders are available: www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/sarah...
I have been rereading some of my favorite texts by Marina Vishmidt, uncovering new ones as I read her as an act of mouring her untimely transition and celebrate what she has left us with. Today this beautiful text on maintenance. southasastateofmind.com/article/pure... rest in power marina
Pure Maintenancesouthasastateofmind.com by Marina Vishmidt   Why it’s not wise to throw the baby of maintenance out with the dirty bathwaters of capitalist social life.  Mierle Lad
"In my nearly 40 years as a faculty member, I have never seen such brazen cruelty toward students and faculty, such cowardice before what amounts to a right-wing witch hunt, and such blatant dishonesty." Robin D. G. Kelley to Columbia President Minouche Shafik: www.bostonreview.net/articles/let...
Letter to Columbia President Minouche Shafik - Boston Reviewwww.bostonreview.net You are keeping no one safe, except for your donors, trustees, and the university’s endowment.
"Nearly seven months into the war, there is an average 300kg of rubble a square metre of land in Gaza, Pehr Lodhammar, the former United Nationals Mine Action Service chief for Iraq, told a news conference."
Israel’s genocide of Gaza has created 37m tonnes of debris, much of it laced with unexploded bombs, which could take fourteen years to remove, a top UN demining official said www.theguardian.com/world/2024/a... Salting the earth
Gaza’s 37m tonnes of bomb-filled debris could take 14 years to clear, says expertwww.theguardian.com Top UN demining official outlines scale of devastation as Egypt officials fly into Israel in attempt to revive ceasefire talks
They want right-wing speech to be protected on campus and people protesting genocide to be ground under. Some people call this hypocrisy, but it's much more sinister than that. These double standards are about HIERARCHY. They're about how the right wants to order the world.
"What’s happening with the current generation is not that they are simply choosing TikTok over Jane Austen. They are being deprived of the ability to choose—for no real reason or benefit." unfortunately I think there are plenty who benefit from this! but good article here slate.com/human-intere...
College Students Don’t Know How to Read Anymore. We’re in Denial Over How Bad It’s Gotten.slate.com These kids aren’t lazy. We’re failing them.
There's a snail in the depths of the Indian Ocean that exclusively eats volcano water. It has the largest heart of any snail. Its shell is made of iron and its foot is organometallic plate mail.
The devil comes down to Georgia, looking for a soul to steal, and instead of a fiddle contest he challenges you to a best animal fact contest. What’s your fact?
“One of my personal cognitos, a favorite is: 'I dance therefore I think.'” – Lorraine O’Grady, Writing in Space
Using recent crash-level data, I show that a pedestrian hit by a full-size SUV is twice as likely to die compared to being struck by a car, under similar crash conditions.
how your email finds me:
"Just how bad is it in Gaza?" - 1% of population killed in 3 months - 85% displacement - 1 shower per 4,500 people - 1 toilet per 220 - 2/3 hospitals closed 706,000 people are starving to death worldwide -- 577,000 of them (82%) are in Gaza. www.economist.com/middle-east-...
Just how bad is it in Gaza?www.economist.com As Israel is accused of genocide, we look at the humanitarian crisis
With the publication of my survey and position paper „Undisciplined Knowing“ the open access series „Environmental Histories of Architecture“ eventually comes to an end! Thanks to everyone who collaborated on this multi-year project! www.librarystack.org/environmenta...
"For me, the word “writing” is the exact opposite of the word “waiting.” Instead of waiting, there is writing. Well, I’m probably wrong – it’s possible that writing is another form of waiting, of delaying things. I’d like to think otherwise. But, as I said, I’m probably wrong." – Roberto Bolaño
And this is what worries me: when a technology that can only envision the future as a variation on a deeply racist, sexist and unjust past becomes our dominant mode of visual content production, this reactionary aesthetic threatens to become normalised to a degree we can barely imagine 5/5
i have been thinking a lot about gil scott-heron these days... “The truth is there ain’t nobody fighting because, well, nobody knows what to save. Brother, save your soul.” youtu.be/cN_YIPnLk1k?...
Gil Scott-Heron / Brian Jackcon - Winter In America (live)youtu.be Winter in America Live